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Serious Its brutal as a femcel


Active member
Sep 3, 2024
I mean I am a guy, but everyday when I go to uni I see so many beautiful girls. The quantity is literally insane. If youre ltb you probably are gonna get some dick, but if youre subhuman its so over with that competition. Seriously, the only reason why I think I can ascend is because 95% of guys look like shit
I mean I am a guy, but everyday when I go to uni I see so many beautiful girls. The quantity is literally insane. If youre ltb you probably are gonna get some dick, but if youre subhuman its so over with that competition. Seriously, the only reason why I think I can ascend is because 95% of guys look like shit
The problem with being a femcel is that most of a woman's perceived worth is tied to her beauty, men can rely on resources and status to elevate themselves. Women don't have that luxury, but they do have another advantage. Men tend to be more driven by their desires and will often overlook flaws in a woman's appearance much more quickly than women do in men.
I mean I am a guy, but everyday when I go to uni I see so many beautiful girls. The quantity is literally insane. If youre ltb you probably are gonna get some dick, but if youre subhuman its so over with that competition. Seriously, the only reason why I think I can ascend is because 95% of guys look like shit
she is happily married
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