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Discussion It's not as hard or as far as you think...


Upgrading, blessed. 🙏
Sep 15, 2024
I've come to the realization that the rules we have set are mostly untrue. The blackpill is flawed, the redpill, the dickpill. All that shit is cope and an excuse to blame it some something other than yourself. Being fragile and egotistical is the reason why we manufacture and believe concepts such as these.

You too can break the mold of reality that you've conned yourself into believing. Really bros, the cage that you willingly live in, you can break out of.(Big surprise, I know)... yes it's true that looks, status and dick size hold value but you can still succeed in most fields regardless if you're lacking in some of those areas or not or whatever it may be

I'm a dumbass, regular looking dude with some above average genetics in certain aspects but I greatly outperform the hand I was dealt because I play it right (sometimes) and you guys can too. The first step is realizing it

I know that everything is gonna be alright. You're not as helpless as you think and I believe in you guys. I wish you all the best of luck.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I've come to the realization that the rules we have set are mostly untrue. The blackpill is flawed, the redpill, the dickpill. All that shit is cope and an excuse to blame it some something other than yourself. Being fragile and egotistical is the reason why we manufacture and believe concepts such as these.

You too can break the mold that you've conned yourself into believing. Really bros, the cage that you willingly live in, you can break out of.(Big surprise, I know)... yes it's true that looks, status and dick size hold value but you can still succeed in most fields regardless if you're lacking in some of those areas.

I'm a dumbass, regular looking dude with some above average genetics in certain aspects but I greatly outperform the hand I was dealt because I play it right (sometimes) and you guys can too. The first step is realizing it

I know that everything is gonna be alright. You're not as helpless as you think and I believe in you guys. I wish you all the best of luck.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I've realized this as well. It takes effort, but it's not over till it's over.
Merry Christmas to you too bud.
The blackpill is flawed, the redpill, the dickpill.
They have truth tho
Having no backbone, being short, having a small dick will kill your potential dating options long-term unless you accept a shitty relationship like betabuxxing, cuckholding or one sided open relationship

You too can break the mold of reality that you've conned yourself into believing. Really bros, the cage that you willingly live in, you can break out of.(Big surprise, I know)... yes it's true that looks, status and dick size hold value but you can still succeed in most fields regardless if you're lacking in some of those areas or not or whatever it may be
It's called being NT and even that looksmaxxers don't have it and need to work hard for it
They have truth tho
Having no backbone, being short, having a small dick will kill your potential dating options long-term unless you accept a shitty relationship like betabuxxing, cuckholding or one sided open relationship
Some truth yeah but nowhere near as important to most people as it is to oneself. Sure it affects your mental and attitude which might actually affect how others perceive you more than the thing itself. Mtns can ONS SLs how crazy is that? Just gotta be somewhat softmaxxed and be charismatic or at least appealing to that person

It's called being NT and even that looksmaxxers don't have it and need to work hard for it

Yeah they gotta come out of their shell. It might feel hard but nobody actually cares so if you're not a total scumbag you should be alright. To not be afraid of being yourself.
Some truth yeah but nowhere near as important to most people as it is to oneself. Sure it affects your mental and attitude which might actually affect how others perceive you more than the thing itself. Mtns can ONS SLs how crazy is that? Just gotta be somewhat softmaxxed and be charismatic or at least appealing that people.
As a LTN i already pulled 2 stacylites (one became my ex-sexfriend and the other one i never slept with) in my life
Because i'm tall and NT, and my ex-sexfriend came back because of my sexmaxxing

Yeah they gotta come out of their shell. It might feel hard but nobody actually cares so if you're not a total scumbag you should be alright. To not be afraid of being yourself.
Guys and Girls here will progressively become NT when they'll start to work in heavy social environments, when you're forced to talking to strangers, especially the opposite sex
At least it's my experience
As a LTN i already pulled 2 stacylites (one became my ex-sexfriend and the other one i never slept with) in my life
Because i'm tall and NT, and my ex-sexfriend came back because of my sexmaxxing
I feel that some say in MTN some say HTN some say CL. I feel like I'm gigaChad 🗿
I've pulled some decent too but I don't like going into detail in public post. All i do is flow like water or whatever Jackie Chan said.

Guys and Girls here will progressively become NT when they'll start to work in heavy social environments, when you're forced to talking to strangers, especially the opposite sex
At least it's my experience
Yeah, they can do it. To me it was just realizing that it was mostly insecurity. I was able to progress quickly after that.
Yeah, they can do it. To me it was just realizing that it was mostly insecurity. I was able to progress quickly after that.
We're stuck in our own head