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Serious It's over (.org cels gtfih )

I don't wanna use another email i always used my primary one for .org
That’s a problem, bro, since every account is linked to an email. We can’t help unless you’ve got a new one. Worst case, if you really want that email, you’ll need to contact an admin to see if they can sort it out for you. You’re that one Asian user with the Patterson pfp, right?
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That’s a problem, bro, since every account is linked to an email. We can’t help unless you’ve got a new one. Worst case, if you really want that email, you’ll need to contact an admin to see if they can sort it out for you. You’re that one Asian user with the Patterson pfp, right?
No bhai
I am brucewayne78 i have always used my picture as pfp

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