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Ive Never Heard a man say Moids

*6'2 btw
I never got rejected by anyone jfl. Femceldom is not somethign a guy could understand. Its not about chads or whatever.
its called being a whiny woman who thinks the world is against her
bruh even oew would agree with my statement.
i should ask him and see.
he would agree because he simps for you
women, regardless of looks, have an easier life
he would agree because he simps for you
he is not the type to agree on things he doesn't believe in. He would say 'whatever you say 'when he disagrees with me.
women, regardless of looks, have an easier life
the average third world poor women gets beaten by her husband all the time .
he is not the type to agree on things he doesn't believe in. He would say 'whatever you say 'when he disagrees with me.

the average third world poor women gets beaten by her husband all the time .
so getting beat = less quality of life?
and yes being beaten up for no reason is definitely a sign of low quality of life. The emotional and phsycial well being of that perosn is being harmed.
fair enough
i dont live in a shithole so i wouldnt be able to determine
in modern countries they have way more power