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Discussion I've obtained a beautiful girl friend by being an anti lookist


Active member
Jul 5, 2019
A beautiful woman who I can't appreciate enough as an anti lookist. I don't even think of her as beautiful (as a anti lookist)

women are objectified so much they attempt to turn the tables by objectifying men

lookists are retarded and can't see what's infront of them, you made women obessess about asthetics and looks theory by being sexist, and brutally objectifying them

sexy beautiful women like my girlfriend are sick of it, all looks has given them is unwanted attention, sexual assault and harassment.

oh wow looks can get you a girl friend, but you can only have one girl friend at a time, and ugly subhuman get girlfriends all the time

looks = pointless

fuck looks
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  • #2
Looksmaxxing makes you less loveable, more evil, more lookist, more racist, more mentally ill, and more AWAY FROM YOURSELF.

Looksmaxxing is running away from yourself.

#stop perpetuating looks standards, sacrifice yourself by not looksmaxxing
A beautiful woman who I can't appreciate enough as an anti lookist. I don't even think of her as beautiful (as a anti lookist)

women are objectified so much they attempt to turn the tables by objectifying men

lookists are retarded and can't see what's infront of them, you made women obessess about asthetics and looks theory by being sexist, and brutally objectifying them

sexy beautiful women like my girlfriend are sick of it, all looks has given them is unwanted attention, sexual assault and harassment.

oh wow looks can get you a girl friend, but you can only have one girl friend at a time, and ugly subhuman get girlfriends all the time

looks = pointless

fuck looks
what the actual fuck is this shit.
Worst opinion ever. What are ou even doing on a looksmax and lookism based forum.
@i_love_roosters @Whitepill make it make sense.
Looks= pointless. Congratulations on double digit iq.
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  • #5
what the actual fuck is this shit.
Worst opinion ever. What are ou even doing on a looksmax and lookism based forum.
@i_love_roosters @Whitepill make it make sense.
Looks= pointless. Congratulations on double digit iq.
Shut the fuck up, crying for me

What is a cat doing in a rats nest, what is a monkey doing eating a banana (this is how you sound in my head)
does conflicting information bother you, little guy
i'm probably taller then you. I mog you in every single way. Could fuck your non existent gf right away. ask @i_love_roosters.
This whole thread is just a sad story with the hidden message being you gave up and accepted being ugly. I hope you get better for what it's worth. Leaving you with your cope.
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  • #12
i'm probably taller then you. I mog you in every single way. Could fuck your non existent gf right away. ask @i_love_roosters.
This whole thread is just a sad story with the hidden message being you gave up and accepted being ugly. I hope you get better for what it's worth. Leaving you with your cope.
I'm 5'8 :3

Women easily flirt and fall in love with me jfl at you. You are an unlovable subhuman who will die alone

This is the looks paradox where only good looking people can be anti lookist because otherwise they're coping xD see the logical flaw?

All my anti lookist associates are so-called good looking? Why? We are the marauders of looks
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  • #13
BTW, do you think people can't tell you're uncharasmatic and boring as fuck xD You have tiny forum aura, I can't imagine what you're like irl

I hope this is a learning moment for you
I'm 5'8 :3
I'm 181 cm
Women easily flirt and fall in love with me jfl at you.
but they arent gl.
You are an unlovable subhuman who will die alone
I am chadlite and slay regularly dont worry about me. Talking about subhuman while being one oh the irony.
This is the looks paradox where only good looking people can be anti lookist because otherwise they're coping xD see the logical flaw?

All my anti lookist associates are so-called good looking? Why? We are the marauders of looks
You talk as if you are 12.
BTW, do you think people can't tell you're uncharasmatic and boring as fuck xD You have tiny forum aura, I can't imagine what you're like irl

I hope this is a learning moment for you
"Aura"? Confirmed 12 year old.
I am charismatic but not while talking on a blackpill forum to a ltnmax.
'Learning moment'. if you have an account on org i have plenty of people to vouch for me if what i say isnt believable to you.
My girl friend is psl 7 and gets sexually harassed more than anyone I've ever met
No she isnt. No girl would ever want someone who is below midium looking.
'Anti lookist' is straight from reddit aswell.
jfl at 7PSL a miracle wouldnt want you. She's MTB+ max with 5PSL.
@i_love_roosters @Whitepill your thoughts?
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  • #18
"Aura"? Confirmed 12 year old.
I am charismatic but not while talking on a blackpill forum to a ltnmax.
'Learning moment'. if you have an account on org i have plenty of people to vouch for me if what i say isnt believable to you.
oh I struck something xD
that's your ego. It was a somewhat random insult, point is, women easily fall in love with me, and don't with you, because im more loveable

I'm an anti lookist who doesn't like objectifying people. I am on this forum spread anti lookist propaganda. That's who I am
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  • #19
No she isnt. No girl would ever want someone who is below midium looking.
'Anti lookist' is straight from reddit aswell.
jfl at 7PSL a miracle wouldnt want you. She's MTB+ max with 5PSL.
@i_love_roosters @Whitepill your thoughts?
maybe, good looking women get so sexually abused and objectified that they become mentally ill and lose their looks preferences?

Why do I have to feed you insults, YOU ARE SO CLUELESS AND STUPID.

It's ok, remember, the most important things hurt the most. Sometimes you hit mental blockage and it feels really bad, that is cognitive dissonance. It is telling you something
oh I struck something xD
You did not.
that's your ego.
Perhaps, but justified so.
It was a somewhat random insult, point is, women easily fall in love with me, and don't with you,
Caging, no they do not you're a literal manlet and if you breed you will doom your poor children with your recessed genetics.
Don't breed. Calling me out for my ego. Again, irony.
because im more loveable

I'm an anti lookist who doesn't like objectifying people.
You aren't. And if you didn't know, you can "objectify" someone but pretend not to. I do it all the time.
I am on this forum spread anti lookist propaganda. That's who I am
Buddy feels proud about that jfl.
maybe, good looking women get so sexually abused and objectified that they become mentally ill and lose their looks preferences?
not how a human works.
Why do I have to feed you insults, YOU ARE SO CLUELESS AND STUPID.
My iq is almost considered genius. The clueless loser is you here.
It's ok, remember, the most important things hurt the most. Sometimes you hit mental blockage and it feels really bad, that is cognitive dissonance. It is telling you something
Unbelievable how you actually consider yourself better then me even though i am genetically superior in every way.
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  • #24
You did not.

Perhaps, but justified so.

Caging, no they do not you're a literal manlet and if you breed you will doom your poor children with your recessed genetics.
Don't breed. Calling me out for my ego. Again, irony.

You aren't. And if you didn't know, you can "objectify" someone but pretend not to. I do it all the time.

Buddy feels proud about that jfl.
looks paradox, I must be recessed and subhuman to be anti lookist.

What if I told you I'm part of the anti looks marauders, an elite group of individuals who use their looks to defeat looks
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  • #25
That you lost. One day a guy will come in your girlfriends life, someone like me who takes her from you.
That day you will see how wrong you are about lookism.
again, women easily fall in love with me, and I don't even find my gf good looking since I don't believe in looks
not how a human works.

My iq is almost considered genius. The clueless loser is you here.

Unbelievable how you actually consider yourself better then me even though i am genetically superior in every way.
IQ doesn't exist, I have a higher so-called iq/test taking ability, and you seen dumb as fuck (subjectively).

I feel superior to you in every way
again, women easily fall in love with me,
not even pajeetas
and I don't even find my gf good looking since I don't believe in looks

IQ doesn't exist,
dumb take.
I have a higher so-called iq/test taking ability, and you seen dumb as fuck (subjectively).

I feel superior to you in every way
objectively you arent. How you "feel" doesnt matter shit. You could never.
I'm leaving you with your loser life have fun getting cucked soon.
A beautiful woman who I can't appreciate enough as an anti lookist. I don't even think of her as beautiful (as a anti lookist)

women are objectified so much they attempt to turn the tables by objectifying men

lookists are retarded and can't see what's infront of them, you made women obessess about asthetics and looks theory by being sexist, and brutally objectifying them

sexy beautiful women like my girlfriend are sick of it, all looks has given them is unwanted attention, sexual assault and harassment.

oh wow looks can get you a girl friend, but you can only have one girl friend at a time, and ugly subhuman get girlfriends all the time

looks = pointless

fuck looks
Screenshot 2024-09-22 150935.jpg
Looksmaxxing makes you less loveable, more evil, more lookist, more racist, more mentally ill, and more AWAY FROM YOURSELF.

Looksmaxxing is running away from yourself.

#stop perpetuating looks standards, sacrifice yourself by not looksmaxxing


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No she isnt. No girl would ever want someone who is below midium looking.
'Anti lookist' is straight from reddit aswell.
jfl at 7PSL a miracle wouldnt want you. She's MTB+ max with 5PSL.
@i_love_roosters @Whitepill your thoughts?
It's possible as stacies date down a ton
Is this supposed to be a brag thread? I agree, but -

Some blackpill beliefs are blown out of proportion, mostly because people on the lower end of the looks spectrum, who receive the worst treatment, promote and propagate them so heavily that even average people (usually younger, more impressionable minds) start to think the same way. Life is brutal for those on the lower end of the looks spectrum. You haven't experienced what they have, so don't pour shit on them for their view of the world.

The fact that you found a deep, loving, beautiful girl who doesn’t care about your physical attractiveness doesn’t necessarily prove that all people are not superficial. [1] (this is a great read btw, all the studies are linked at the bottom)

First impressions will still be largely influenced by looks, so most people's perspectives of you will change based on your appearance.

I can't deny that low inhib, NT, confidence, personality and humor IS KEY, granted you're ltn+.

My favorite question to consider is: "Will good looks make my quality of life worse?". Attractive people get rewarded with no visible cons. There are no major drawbacks to being a handsome male. Sure, attractive women can get harassed for their looks, but so does every woman regardless of looks and this usually happens only in low intelligence/less educated regions.
A beautiful woman who I can't appreciate enough as an anti lookist. I don't even think of her as beautiful (as a anti lookist)

women are objectified so much they attempt to turn the tables by objectifying men

lookists are retarded and can't see what's infront of them, you made women obessess about asthetics and looks theory by being sexist, and brutally objectifying them

sexy beautiful women like my girlfriend are sick of it, all looks has given them is unwanted attention, sexual assault and harassment.

oh wow looks can get you a girl friend, but you can only have one girl friend at a time, and ugly subhuman get girlfriends all the time

looks = pointless

fuck looks
Send proof or cap
shit thread
why are n*****s flexing their IQ it only matters <90 or >150, coping with muh superiority and intellect
achievements matter more, if you really did get a gf, good for you poobear, and good for you hernan for being a handsome tall slayer
looks still matter its science
shit thread
why are n*****s flexing their IQ it only matters <90 or >150, coping with muh superiority and intellect
achievements matter more, if you really did get a gf, good for you poobear, and good for you hernan for being a handsome tall slayer
looks still matter its science
How do you have established III and not 10000 mesaages? It says you have 9367
A beautiful woman who I can't appreciate enough as an anti lookist. I don't even think of her as beautiful (as a anti lookist)

women are objectified so much they attempt to turn the tables by objectifying men

lookists are retarded and can't see what's infront of them, you made women obessess about asthetics and looks theory by being sexist, and brutally objectifying them

sexy beautiful women like my girlfriend are sick of it, all looks has given them is unwanted attention, sexual assault and harassment.

oh wow looks can get you a girl friend, but you can only have one girl friend at a time, and ugly subhuman get girlfriends all the time

looks = pointless

fuck looks
honestly bro from my own experience bad looking people are somewhat more evil and bad

not generalizing there are bad looking girls with golden hearts out there
shit thread
why are n*****s flexing their IQ it only matters <90 or >150, coping with muh superiority and intellect
achievements matter more, if you really did get a gf, good for you poobear, and good for you hernan for being a handsome tall slayer
looks still matter its science
thank you sigma as always. :peepoclap::peepoLove:
honestly bro from my own experience bad looking people are somewhat more evil and bad

not generalizing there are bad looking girls with golden hearts out there
gl girls are maybe nice or depending on the individual but not a single chad i've ever encountered are nice. Always mean since it's supposed to be like this. it's like an already written role.

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