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Jaw assymetry and scoliosis. What you thing about it?


Jul 5, 2019
I've been mewing, chewing, proper swalowwing for 4 moonth and i can see good changes at my face(maxilla really come up and forward, even some better mandible and bite(i have very shitty bite) and from last month i can see good changes in my cheekbones(some hollow). But there still is some jaw assymetry.
I've noticed that right side of my face is lower and more recessed than left side. My assumption is that reason is in that, that during my life i had shitty bite and my teeth weren't in slide contact(also mouthbreathing(yes, i was fakin allergic). Also three front teeth at lower jaw were located higher than orher teeth in my mouth.
I found the idea of work one appliance for doing your jaw more symmetrical and i guess that i was turned out to be right. There is space beetween my teeth(look at the photo) and the same bite like in left picture(even worse).
Is there any reason to put something beetween my teeth juts like a that appliance works? Also i noticed that mewing gave me less beetween my molars, but they are not in good contact and there is space between them
now i trying some facepulling with more pressure at right side of my palate. Also i eat calcium with d3 and a lot of milk products and can see improvements.
What you thing abouth molars contact and that space between them? Can it be one of reasons of my bad face and bad spine(i have scoliosis since childhood and now trying fix it using exercises and good posture)
Don't facepull your palate on the right side. Mewing will make it symmetrical just as long as you:
  • have even facial muscle tone.
  • Keep lips sealed and teeth in light contact.
  • You sleep on your back or swap the side you sleep on. Don't sleep on your front.
  • Tongue chew to help widen the palate.
You lose more calcium than you gain when you ingest milk, the acidity of the animal protein causes your body to leach calcium out of your bones to makeup for it and it’s lost.
You lose more calcium than you gain when you ingest milk, the acidity of the animal protein causes your body to leach calcium out of your bones to makeup for it and it’s lost.
This is type of thing can be seen when you over supplement on minerals and vitamins.
You lose more calcium than you gain when you ingest milk, the acidity of the animal protein causes your body to leach calcium out of your bones to makeup for it and it’s lost.
bedrock IQ

Milk is the only good natural source of Calcium. It has the highest bioavailability of them all and it actually reaches the bones thanks to the other Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals it contains that help it reach the bones and actually have any functionality

What doesn't get absorbed are the ones from literally any plant source due to anti-nutrients such as Oxalates, Phytates, etc.

You have the IQ of a roasted and salted Pistachio, go back to r/IncelTears f****t
bedrock IQ

Milk is the only good natural source of Calcium. It has the highest bioavailability of them all and it actually reaches the bones thanks to the other Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals it contains that help it reach the bones and actually have any functionality

What doesn't get absorbed are the ones from literally any plant source due to anti-nutrients such as Oxalates, Phytates, etc.

You have the IQ of a roasted and salted Pistachio, go back to r/IncelTears f****t
Brah, why do you hate @Neo so badly...gosh.
I've been mewing, chewing, proper swalowwing for 4 moonth and i can see good changes at my face(maxilla really come up and forward, even some better mandible and bite(i have very shitty bite) and from last month i can see good changes in my cheekbones(some hollow). But there still is some jaw assymetry.
I've noticed that right side of my face is lower and more recessed than left side. My assumption is that reason is in that, that during my life i had shitty bite and my teeth weren't in slide contact(also mouthbreathing(yes, i was fakin allergic). Also three front teeth at lower jaw were located higher than orher teeth in my mouth.
I found the idea of work one appliance for doing your jaw more symmetrical and i guess that i was turned out to be right. There is space beetween my teeth(look at the photo) and the same bite like in left picture(even worse).
Is there any reason to put something beetween my teeth juts like a that appliance works? Also i noticed that mewing gave me less beetween my molars, but they are not in good contact and there is space between them
now i trying some facepulling with more pressure at right side of my palate. Also i eat calcium with d3 and a lot of milk products and can see improvements.
What you thing abouth molars contact and that space between them? Can it be one of reasons of my bad face and bad spine(i have scoliosis since childhood and now trying fix it using exercises and good posture)

i had scoliosis, uneven whole lower back for 9 years, face came symetrical 👍
just fucking workout to fix scoliosis, if you ain't doing it while you young, then you won't fix it later, i mean it will take enormous amount of time and discipline, start early