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Jenna Ortega

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  • #6
billie eilish and margot robbie
normie choices but whtvr
Billie Eilish is based, she’s also another high appeal Becky. Also man you’re a great user, I really do hope you ascend to the skies man and become a perfect chad , no diddy or dickriding.
Billie Eilish is based, she’s also another high appeal Becky. Also man you’re a great user, I really do hope you ascend to the skies man and become a perfect chad , no diddy or dickriding.
thanks man
genuinely made my day with this message
ive made progress but theres more that can be done
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
thanks man
genuinely made my day with this message
ive made progress but theres more that can be done
As long as you keep progressing bro!’ Just remember, never compare yourself to PSL Gods, only compare yourself to YOU from the past. You say you are progressing and that’s all that matters, I don’t care what incels have to say about being “muh 6’6 white chad!” Keep on going bro, I know you’ll be where you want to be in life someday so keep at it and don’t let anyone bring your progress bar down, it can only go up from here <3
As long as you keep progressing bro!’ Just remember, never compare yourself to PSL Gods, only compare yourself to YOU from the past. You say you are progressing and that’s all that matters, I don’t care what incels have to say about being “muh 6’6 white chad!” Keep on going bro, I know you’ll be where you want to be in life someday so keep at it and don’t let anyone bring your progress bar down, it can only go up from here <3