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Join the golden order

Yeah and it's better than being blackpilled. At least my community are positive and care about each other. The admin promoted this. What does that say?
i find guilds and order stuff funny
anyways this is basically toxic positivity
Both you and white pill suck as people anyways. Bet your both pretty shitty invdivuals irl. Would make total sense. Luckily I believe personality's can be changed over time and growth is still a thing. Must be because you're young. It's not over.
Why are you being such a dickhead ๐Ÿ˜‚
Both you and white pill suck as people anyways. Bet your both pretty shitty invdivuals irl. Would make total sense. Luckily I believe personality's can be changed over time and growth is still a thing. Must be because you're young. It's not over.
stop making assumptions of the kind of people we are and insulting us
you know nothing about my life, same probably goes for whitepill
i dont think positivity and hope is a bad thing, i disagree with cult ideologies and toxic positivity which is what youre promoting
Why are you being such a dickhead ๐Ÿ˜‚
stop making assumptions of the kind of people we are and insulting us
you know nothing about my life, same probably goes for whitepill
i dont think positivity and hope is a bad thing, i disagree with cult ideologies and toxic positivity which is what youre promoting
he is a very kind and caring goldpilled individual

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