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Rage Just be funny bro!


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Kick that nigerian female dog off the plane. Jestermaxxing is so cope, I can’t believe normies think it actually works. I’m the lowest inhib person at my school and I constantly and consistently make the entire class laugh. We did some shitty assignment where we talked to everyone in the class and everyone collectively agreed who the funniest was. Me ninja. The issue? I still have no friends. Not a single IOI and anytime I try to talk to a girl they treat me like absolute crap. I’m a LTN for reference. It’s entirely over and there’s some insanely estrogenic girl in my art class who body fogs but too bad i’m an ugly repulsive human being. None of this shit works, NT and low inhib and all that shit is COPE. Aslong as you aren’t borderline autistic, then it’s all about looks and height. She will never love you, you are unloveable, you need to rope right now. Is what I tell myself everyday. Screw the women on this forum too because they act like the complete opposite when IRL they’re obviously chad only. “iF a mTn aPpRoAcHeD mE I wOuLd fAlL iN lOvE.”. To them, a MTN is like young Jensen Ackles. Also you guys are simps for narcy girls who’s like @monalabelle

She doesn’t even try to hide her blackpill nature and you simps still give her attention because she looks good. Further proving my point that all these social media, crop top type of girls are shitty people.
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  • #2
Every day at school I keep being reminded why blackpill exists. Sometimes I zone out and completely forgot about the blackpill, but it doesn’t even take an hour at school for me to remember why I’ve been in this shitty space since I’ve been 13. I will ALWAYS stand by the belief that all human beings are born evil, cruel, awful, terrible people.
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  • #4
I thought people learned to stop simping after 2023
It gives girls too much ego, it’s how all of them begin. All of them are daddy’s girl and they’re loyal sweet people. But Becky here decides to go down a rabbit hole. At around 13, she decides to download a couple of social media apps. At first, she just scrolls on them and enjoys it. But one day she posts a selfie. It doesn’t matter if Becky here is fat, skinny, ugly, hot. She gets hundreds of men in the comment section simping over here. The attention feeds her newly discovered ego and she keeps ongoing and going. Eventually, she’s now 15 and is obsessed with how her instagram page is and has a new talking stage added onto her roster everyday. She runs through men and complains about how no one treats her well. And now be 18, she’s completely ran through. 25 bodies, but she swears an oath to be a good Gods girl now. Once again though, deep down inside her human nature wins and she has sex with all the good looking men in college. She’s an awful human being is so incredibly rude towards average and ugly men, but why would she care? Does it affect her? No. Does it matter that she ruined an ugly guys days? No. Because why would it?
Kick that nigerian female dog off the plane. Jestermaxxing is so cope, I can’t believe normies think it actually works. I’m the lowest inhib person at my school and I constantly and consistently make the entire class laugh. We did some shitty assignment where we talked to everyone in the class and everyone collectively agreed who the funniest was. Me ninja. The issue? I still have no friends. Not a single IOI and anytime I try to talk to a girl they treat me like absolute crap. I’m a LTN for reference. It’s entirely over and there’s some insanely estrogenic girl in my art class who body fogs but too bad i’m an ugly repulsive human being. None of this shit works, NT and low inhib and all that shit is COPE. Aslong as you aren’t borderline autistic, then it’s all about looks and height. She will never love you, you are unloveable, you need to rope right now. Is what I tell myself everyday. Screw the women on this forum too because they act like the complete opposite when IRL they’re obviously chad only. “iF a mTn aPpRoAcHeD mE I wOuLd fAlL iN lOvE.”. To them, a MTN is like young Jensen Ackles. Also you guys are simps for narcy girls who’s like @monalabelle

She doesn’t even try to hide her blackpill nature and you simps still give her attention because she looks good. Further proving my point that all these social media, crop top type of girls are shitty people.
no it’s true, if mtn approached me and he was everything i wanted in a guy (answered in another discussion) then i would fall in love 100%. i literally recently ‘fell in love’ with a mtn who matched what i wanted but i was not shown any interest back. 👍
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  • #7
"just gotta thug it out bro"

i dont wanna
free me of my suffering
Such cope. “You’re supposed to be a man, stop playing victim!”. Like shut the fuck up bro, anyone who says those terms should be reincarnated as a 4’10 Indian.
no it’s true, if mtn approached me and he was everything i wanted in a guy (answered in another discussion) then i would fall in love 100%. i literally recently ‘fell in love’ with a mtn who matched what i wanted but i was not shown any interest back. 👍
Keep on telling yourself that because it’s not true.
It gives girls too much ego, it’s how all of them begin. All of them are daddy’s girl and they’re loyal sweet people. But Becky here decides to go down a rabbit hole. At around 13, she decides to download a couple of social media apps. At first, she just scrolls on them and enjoys it. But one day she posts a selfie. It doesn’t matter if Becky here is fat, skinny, ugly, hot. She gets hundreds of men in the comment section simping over here. The attention feeds her newly discovered ego and she keeps ongoing and going. Eventually, she’s now 15 and is obsessed with how her instagram page is and has a new talking stage added onto her roster everyday. She runs through men and complains about how no one treats her well. And now be 18, she’s completely ran through. 25 bodies, but she swears an oath to be a good Gods girl now. Once again though, deep down inside her human nature wins and she has sex with all the good looking men in college. She’s an awful human being is so incredibly rude towards average and ugly men, but why would she care? Does it affect her? No. Does it matter that she ruined an ugly guys days? No. Because why would it?
Fuck man simps need to be in prison camps in deep siberia
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  • #16
Yeah anytime Monalabelle gets in an argument with anyone. The first thing she makes fun of is their appearance
Looks don’t matter brooooo. It sucks cuz she’s objectively pretty decent looking but I always do this to myself. I gaslight myself into thinking these attention seeking whores who are good looking MIGHT have some heart in them. NOPE, all of them are heartless sluts.
Burger King reference
Looks don’t matter brooooo. It sucks cuz she’s objectively pretty decent looking but I always do this to myself. I gaslight myself into thinking these attention seeking whores who are good looking MIGHT have some heart in them. NOPE, all of them are heartless sluts.

Yeah it's sad
Cuck energy
cuck energy is when you feed a bitch with attention by talking about her
if you ignore her then she becomes irrelevant
she's probably going to laugh when she reads all these messages

its one of the reasons i dont like talking about whores they eat up any attention
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  • #22
I'm curious about what happened to you that made you feel this way about the world in general, I was really mad and depressed at the world till last month too, but I'm trying to find peace in things I like, I wish I did it earlier.
First off bro, you’re way better looking than me so you don’t know what it’s like to be me. But if you grew up the way I was then you would know why. I was obese all my fucking life and even before I was blackpilled, I always felt lookism in my life. The way all my friends would hype each others looks up and talk about new girlfriends they had, while I just stood there and listened. Bro, I’ve never talked to a girl in my life romantically or friendship. I’m 16, and I’ve never talked to a girl in my life. Even the fucking fat manlets at my school have gotten talking stages and pussy. I grew up obese and truecel looks level until I was 14. From 13 to 14 I starved myself and grew my hair out a bit which made me get to subhuman only. Unfortunately, I was now skinny fat. All of freshman year and sophomore year I LDAR’d while listening to snowfall by one heart and praying to God my life would change. I had severe binge eating and anxiety problems which made it hard. A few months ago I started losing weight and I’ve been in a groove since, I’m now a LTN but that’s the fucking issue. It’s hard not to let emotions get in the way when you invest so much time in an aspect of life and achieve nothing. I hate women and hope they all die.
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