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Discussion Just chatting Megathread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 42181
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  • #7
How did you find these forum and why did you become interested in improving their appearance?

by the way I want to know how old they are
Some forums I wrote from .org because no one here knows about it
And I started improving my appearance because I was a ltn teen who wanted to get a loyal girl to him
And my first experience was failed to ( Get the girl )
I was incle ngl 😭
So I started with those TikTok shit thinking that it will max me and give me a good facial shape
Then I found out about looksmax. Org
And this site
I learned a lot in a short time ( not saying I am a doctor 🤓)

And I am 16 years old ( Black-pilled)
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  • #41
Первый, кто создаст хороший странный чат, будет закреплен здесь.
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