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Just had a dream about Francisco Lachowski


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2024
I was sitting next to O Pry in some office and he was googling on quora about questions like "why is Sean O Pry so handsome? "I sat next him to on a rolling chair and kept bumping his leg hoping hed start a natural convo but he ignored me like the autist he is. Then I went to the studio where all the Psl Gods were assembled and Sean smiled and he had so much makeup on I realised model skin is a shitty cope and that most just use makeup. I then went to the bathroom where I saw Chico and I wasnt THAT excited to meet him but wanted to take a pic with him to flex on .org and said something to the effect of "if you aint busy wanna take a pic with me blud"? And he replied ," I AM BUSY" and he was smiling so I wasnt offended and said no problem next time and I wasnt really bummed either cos I just thought of him as a HAPA g**k. I then went to the elevator area and waited for Atesh Salih and Gandy, the Gods I considered important to arrive. But they didnt and after a while Chico himself came and I was like you aint busy now right? He said " I still am but lets take one haha" and was all smiles and I took one pic. I looked at the pic and my face was some random Dravidian's of the dregs of society but Chico looked insane, literally perfect and the second time I met him(near the elevator) I was filled with joy in my stomach like seeing some wonderful act of creation being bestowed onto you. This dream is seriously making me question if I should increase Chicos current PSL rating from 6.5 to 7.25 . He also had next door boy looks but main character looks at the same time , just OP af.

The next dream I had was even more insane where my Grandma revealed to me I was actually of Pashtun origins and showed me pics of my great grandfather in Peshawar but I forgot most of that dream.
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