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Discussion Kaligula567


MotM Award
Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
Some love him , some hate him
I've kinda changed my mind on him
He never shut up, kept trying, kept his personality and his persona and never lost sight of himself or his goals
While its annoying to some, its a virtue of perserverence and true dedication to his craft
While it may just be a looksmaxxing/ "incel" forum, any way that you want to condescend upon it and diminish it, he refused to fall and kept to his instinct and guts. while he likely shouldve never kept making alts and breaking rules, it shows a strong willed man. He will likely never be free but it is slightly admirable.
@n9wiff @Kaari @Stacy @Axii @Chudlite
Some love him , some hate him
I've kinda changed my mind on him
He never shut up, kept trying, kept his personality and his persona and never lost sight of himself or his goals
While its annoying to some, its a virtue of perserverence and true dedication to his craft
While it may just be a looksmaxxing/ "incel" forum, any way that you want to condescend upon it and diminish it, he refused to fall and kept to his instinct and guts. while he likely shouldve never kept making alts and breaking rules, it shows a strong willed man. He will likely never be free but it is slightly admirable.
@n9wiff @Kaari @Stacy @Axii @Chudlite
I didn't know him rrly

he just commented in a couple of my threads

What was so great about him?
Some love him , some hate him
I've kinda changed my mind on him
He never shut up, kept trying, kept his personality and his persona and never lost sight of himself or his goals
While its annoying to some, its a virtue of perserverence and true dedication to his craft
While it may just be a looksmaxxing/ "incel" forum, any way that you want to condescend upon it and diminish it, he refused to fall and kept to his instinct and guts. while he likely shouldve never kept making alts and breaking rules, it shows a strong willed man. He will likely never be free but it is slightly admirable.
@n9wiff @Kaari @Stacy @Axii @Chudlite
i think kaligula s story is that of a doomed man

even if unbanned he will get banned again, it’s obvious if you knew what he did to Mogger zone discord
i think kaligula s story is that of a doomed man
doomed yes, but quite poetic
he could have taken better methods but he did what he could
even if unbanned he will get banned again, it’s obvious if you knew what he did to Mogger zone discord
Yes, I am aware
He made a mistake trying to do that “school project” on org jfl. He then crashedout and created 38484 different alts. 🥺

I simply think that the "authority" was always too harsh with him. And in FUOTY it's not even worth talking about lmaoooo.

I was always "loyal" to him because we became "friends" and I thought it was the right thing to do.

It doesn't mean that I hate everyone who had an opinion and interpretation different from mine.
Some love him , some hate him
I've kinda changed my mind on him
He never shut up, kept trying, kept his personality and his persona and never lost sight of himself or his goals
While its annoying to some, its a virtue of perserverence and true dedication to his craft
While it may just be a looksmaxxing/ "incel" forum, any way that you want to condescend upon it and diminish it, he refused to fall and kept to his instinct and guts. while he likely shouldve never kept making alts and breaking rules, it shows a strong willed man. He will likely never be free but it is slightly admirable.
@n9wiff @Kaari @Stacy @Axii @Chudlite
He has textbook schizophrenia symptoms
He made a mistake trying to do that “school project” on org jfl. He then crashedout and created 38484 different alts. 🥺

I simply think that the "authority" was always too harsh with him. And in FUOTY it's not even worth talking about lmaoooo.

I was always "loyal" to him because we became "friends" and I thought it was the right thing to do.

It doesn't mean that I hate everyone who had an opinion and interpretation different from mine.
tbh im kinda pisses about mogger zone but i didnt mind the mindless tagging which is the reason 99% of everyone that was actually there bumping the elixir apology thread hates him
Some love him , some hate him
I've kinda changed my mind on him
He never shut up, kept trying, kept his personality and his persona and never lost sight of himself or his goals
While its annoying to some, its a virtue of perserverence and true dedication to his craft
While it may just be a looksmaxxing/ "incel" forum, any way that you want to condescend upon it and diminish it, he refused to fall and kept to his instinct and guts. while he likely shouldve never kept making alts and breaking rules, it shows a strong willed man. He will likely never be free but it is slightly admirable.
@n9wiff @Kaari @Stacy @Axii @Chudlite
Respect him for his will, did not respect him for him destroying my notifications. Alas, may birds of a feather flock together, may we soar once more.