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JFL Kendrick fucking drake

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  • #6
i dont listen to either, trying to cut out music for a while now for dopamine detox
Its always take a break from your phone other than for calls and texts. And limit all other usages of technology when not used for progress
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  • #7
theres too much evidence proving that wrong for me to agree but I'm to exhausted to type out all of drakes little problems on this thread.
theres too much evidence proving that wrong for me to agree but I'm to exhausted to type out all of drakes little problems on this thread.
youtube content creators lmao kendricks best attempt was calling him a pedo but in science and in the court of law its not what you think or what you think you know its what you can prove. where is the proof of drake being a pedo? i'll wait
tbh idc about drake snake this is all celebrity drama the jew propaganda is distacting you from the truth
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  • #20
youtube content creators lmao kendricks best attempt was calling him a pedo but in science and in the court of law its not what you think or what you think you know its what you can prove. where is the proof of drake being a pedo? i'll wait
Theres screenshots. And dms
Literal proof brother stop trying to defend this baboon its making u look uneducated. Ive also looked into it and i was thinking id defend drake but nah. Especially since now it ive seen proof and hes obviously not natural hes had so many body surgeries it seems like he intentionally leaked that vid of him beating his meat 😂 ol 12 inch dick
Theres screenshots. And dms
Literal proof brother stop trying to defend this baboon its making u look uneducated. Ive also looked into it and i was thinking id defend drake but nah. Especially since now it ive seen proof and hes obviously not natural hes had so many body surgeries it seems like he intentionally leaked that vid of him beating his meat 😂 ol 12 inch dick
Max 8 he frauding hard

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