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Story Kyle Mason

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Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
In an alternate dimension, hundreds of years in the future in 2592, lived a man by the name of Kyle Mason. Born in Dogouis, United Continents of Pangea, Kyle Mason was born to his parents Macy Mason (formerly Macy Hughes) and James Mason. Macy is a 5’5 Nordic Aryan and James is a 6’8 North Atlandid. The story begins when Kyle is 19 and an adult in his hometown of Dogouis. Kyle is like none other, in a world where the average man is mixed and 5’7, Kyle is a white male with blonde hair, striking blue eyes as bright as a star explosion, and pale skin that could belong to a vampire. Kyle is also 6’5 and 204 pounds, with a shoulder-to-waist ratio of 1.89 (ideal) and 6% body fat with adequate muscle. Kyle had a normal upbringing, went to the 3 levels of school (Elementary, Middle, and High) and was a quite normal kid who did great on his studies. He landed a scholarship at his dream college, University of Dogouis. UOD is the best university in the world, full of all different types of people. It’s the first day of Uni and Kyle is swarmed with eyes, all the way from his magnificent eyes down to his feet with Michael Jordan 567s. Kyle has never experienced this type of treatment, growing up everyone treated him just like any other kid. Kyle arrives at his class where his teacher Mr. Rockhardt introduces himself, a 5’5 rare asian breed (Asians are nearly extinct in this world) with an incredible IQ of 219. Kyle is seated next to a girl, very beautiful. She’s got dirty blond hair, is about 5’3, and has striking brown almond like eyes. Kyle introduces himself, “Hi, how are you doing? The names Kyle.” The female responds, “Nice to meet you Kyle, my name is Ava.” Kyle and Ava continue to conversate as the class fills up. Now that the class is filled up, they are instructed to stay quiet. The lecture ends, whcih include stuff such as the syllabus and basic ground rules, after 2 1/2 hours. Kyle is headed back to his dorm when he realizes Ava has a similar path as him. He walks up to her and they get to learn more about each other. Kyle is very NT, as NT as any of them come. After a few minutes of walking and speaking to each other, Ava starts walking towards another path where isn’t leading to Kyle’s dorm. She says her goodbyes, but Kyle quickly spits out, “Um… Hey Ava is it cool if I get your number?” She started blank at him for a couple of seconds, and then she smiles and gladly gives it to him. Kyle heads back to his dorm where he meets his new roommate. He finds out his name is Harry, and is 18 years old. Harry is a Castizo Mexican, about 6’ and quite good looking. Harry is also very NT and welcoming, Kyle takes a liking to Harry. The night rolls around and after a few hours of playing Fortnite 112 and some NBA 2k592 Kyle decides to call it quits and go to sleep. He takes one last bite out of his peanut butter pizza, which is a staple in this universe, and Coka Sprite, a new soda invented decades ago by a brilliant man. Kyle keeps waking up in sweats every few minutes. He jerks awake, peeps the clock, and sees it’s only been about 15 minutes each time. He decides to pop some Melatonin and go back to sleep once and for all. While he’s sleeping, nightmares hit him like Chris Brown. He has a vision where he is in immense pain and shooting lasers out of his eyes. It all goes to pitch black and he wakes up at 9:39 AM. Harry is getting dressed and saying “Hey Kyle, don’t you think it’s quite late to wake up man? You have a class in an hour.” Kyle agrees, and gets up and gets ready. He texts Ava and asks how it’s going. They decide to meet up at a coffee shop before heading to class. Kyle heads out to the coffee shop and smiles at all the attention he’s getting from men, and women. They meet up, and head to class together with their nice fresh coffee. They get to class and it’s the first real lesson of the year. Ava laughs at some of Kyle’s jokes as they wait for class to begin, and he gets a sense of attraction towards and from Ava. It seems like they both want eachother. Kyle is tired, and can’t focus, but something jerks him awake like none other. Mr. Rockhardt mentions how The Deep 5, a group of superheroes who are famous all around the world, tend to get bad nightmares that turn to pitch black. Kyle is taking psychology, so Mr. Rockhardt was teaching a fun little lesson as the first one of the year, but to Kyle it meant more. He looks more worried and worried as the teacher continues to talk, and Ava notices him. She asks if he’s fine, but he assures her all is good. Class ends and Ava asks him if they want to walk together for a bit, but Kyle quickly declines citing that he needs to get back to his dorm. He rushes back and gets there quickly. He opens the door and he starts to feel drowsy. Kyle puts his hand on his chest, and his entire vision starts turning black….

Part 2?
how'd bro describe my first oneitis. (5'3 almond brown)
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  • #5
So this mf is a super hero?
I don’t have the picture so I hope you know what i’m talking about, but insert the picture of that youtube thumbnail of the Riddler with a caption saying “DOES HE KNOW?”
how'd bro describe my first oneitis. (5'3 almond brown)
What does she look like?
I don’t have the picture so I hope you know what i’m talking about, but insert the picture of that youtube thumbnail of the Riddler with a caption saying “DOES HE KNOW?”

What does she look like?
i dont even remember atp but i just remember the emotions being aroundher
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  • #7
i dont even remember atp but i just remember the emotions being aroundher
Did you ever talk to her or anything or was she just a hot girl you daydreamed about being with but never actually spoke to 😢
Did you ever talk to her or anything or was she just a hot girl you daydreamed about being with but never actually spoke to 😢
No we had a long talking stage and she liked me but I never asked her out
In an alternate dimension, hundreds of years in the future in 2592, lived a man by the name of Kyle Mason. Born in Dogouis, United Continents of Pangea, Kyle Mason was born to his parents Macy Mason (formerly Macy Hughes) and James Mason. Macy is a 5’5 Nordic Aryan and James is a 6’8 North Atlandid. The story begins when Kyle is 19 and an adult in his hometown of Dogouis. Kyle is like none other, in a world where the average man is mixed and 5’7, Kyle is a white male with blonde hair, striking blue eyes as bright as a star explosion, and pale skin that could belong to a vampire. Kyle is also 6’5 and 204 pounds, with a shoulder-to-waist ratio of 1.89 (ideal) and 6% body fat with adequate muscle. Kyle had a normal upbringing, went to the 3 levels of school (Elementary, Middle, and High) and was a quite normal kid who did great on his studies. He landed a scholarship at his dream college, University of Dogouis. UOD is the best university in the world, full of all different types of people. It’s the first day of Uni and Kyle is swarmed with eyes, all the way from his magnificent eyes down to his feet with Michael Jordan 567s. Kyle has never experienced this type of treatment, growing up everyone treated him just like any other kid. Kyle arrives at his class where his teacher Mr. Rockhardt introduces himself, a 5’5 rare asian breed (Asians are nearly extinct in this world) with an incredible IQ of 219. Kyle is seated next to a girl, very beautiful. She’s got dirty blond hair, is about 5’3, and has striking brown almond like eyes. Kyle introduces himself, “Hi, how are you doing? The names Kyle.” The female responds, “Nice to meet you Kyle, my name is Ava.” Kyle and Ava continue to conversate as the class fills up. Now that the class is filled up, they are instructed to stay quiet. The lecture ends, whcih include stuff such as the syllabus and basic ground rules, after 2 1/2 hours. Kyle is headed back to his dorm when he realizes Ava has a similar path as him. He walks up to her and they get to learn more about each other. Kyle is very NT, as NT as any of them come. After a few minutes of walking and speaking to each other, Ava starts walking towards another path where isn’t leading to Kyle’s dorm. She says her goodbyes, but Kyle quickly spits out, “Um… Hey Ava is it cool if I get your number?” She started blank at him for a couple of seconds, and then she smiles and gladly gives it to him. Kyle heads back to his dorm where he meets his new roommate. He finds out his name is Harry, and is 18 years old. Harry is a Castizo Mexican, about 6’ and quite good looking. Harry is also very NT and welcoming, Kyle takes a liking to Harry. The night rolls around and after a few hours of playing Fortnite 112 and some NBA 2k592 Kyle decides to call it quits and go to sleep. He takes one last bite out of his peanut butter pizza, which is a staple in this universe, and Coka Sprite, a new soda invented decades ago by a brilliant man. Kyle keeps waking up in sweats every few minutes. He jerks awake, peeps the clock, and sees it’s only been about 15 minutes each time. He decides to pop some Melatonin and go back to sleep once and for all. While he’s sleeping, nightmares hit him like Chris Brown. He has a vision where he is in immense pain and shooting lasers out of his eyes. It all goes to pitch black and he wakes up at 9:39 AM. Harry is getting dressed and saying “Hey Kyle, don’t you think it’s quite late to wake up man? You have a class in an hour.” Kyle agrees, and gets up and gets ready. He texts Ava and asks how it’s going. They decide to meet up at a coffee shop before heading to class. Kyle heads out to the coffee shop and smiles at all the attention he’s getting from men, and women. They meet up, and head to class together with their nice fresh coffee. They get to class and it’s the first real lesson of the year. Ava laughs at some of Kyle’s jokes as they wait for class to begin, and he gets a sense of attraction towards and from Ava. It seems like they both want eachother. Kyle is tired, and can’t focus, but something jerks him awake like none other. Mr. Rockhardt mentions how The Deep 5, a group of superheroes who are famous all around the world, tend to get bad nightmares that turn to pitch black. Kyle is taking psychology, so Mr. Rockhardt was teaching a fun little lesson as the first one of the year, but to Kyle it meant more. He looks more worried and worried as the teacher continues to talk, and Ava notices him. She asks if he’s fine, but he assures her all is good. Class ends and Ava asks him if they want to walk together for a bit, but Kyle quickly declines citing that he needs to get back to his dorm. He rushes back and gets there quickly. He opens the door and he starts to feel drowsy. Kyle puts his hand on his chest, and his entire vision starts turning black….

Part 2?
add more non NT characters, it gets boring when they're all NT and similar
add more personality and quirks that are individual to each character, they can be flawed or good
ive understood 4 characters so far, mc kyle, genius mr. rockhardt, friend harry, ava (the love interest)
kyle seems perfect attraction wise, smart since he got into the best college. otherwise he seems average, plays video games and eats staple foods. the dream is a good quirk. add more character flaws for him to overcome
mr. rockhardt has potential since he is high iq and rare, use this trait to your advantage to make a fleshed out character
also perhaps plot twists with characters, like harry is secretly a villain or something idk, or a reason why they are all NT
also why does mr rockhardt bring up deep 5 dreams? he is high iq so he knows something is up with kyle, so did he say that on purpose, knowing that kyle will hear and pursue that
what are kyle's aspirations? he has a dream college, a girl he is interested in. but is there anything beyond that? a sense of purpose that is beyond these typical human desires? most people say they will be happy when they finish college. then they say that when they get a good job. then marriage. then kids. but they usually will not be all that happy, because they see these as goals, something on a list. the love interest and finishing college is this human trait. does kyle have anything other than that? a passion. or maybe there will be an identity crisis. kyle will think about happiness. he is supposed to be happy, isnt he? he know a cute girl and they both seem to like each other. he's smart, athletic, perfect body, good college.
for harry, im not sure yet. there has not been a lot of talk about him, but i see potential
also add a hook to the beginning. ik this is a short synopsis but you want to start off somewhere. and when introducing the characters, find sly ways to describe them, not straight up say "James is a 6'8 North Atlantid"
there are millions of ways you can take this story, these are suggestions
it has good potential
add more non NT characters, it gets boring when they're all NT and similar
add more personality and quirks that are individual to each character, they can be flawed or good
ive understood 4 characters so far, mc kyle, genius mr. rockhardt, friend harry, ava (the love interest)
kyle seems perfect attraction wise, smart since he got into the best college. otherwise he seems average, plays video games and eats staple foods. the dream is a good quirk. add more character flaws for him to overcome
mr. rockhardt has potential since he is high iq and rare, use this trait to your advantage to make a fleshed out character
also perhaps plot twists with characters, like harry is secretly a villain or something idk, or a reason why they are all NT
also why does mr rockhardt bring up deep 5 dreams? he is high iq so he knows something is up with kyle, so did he say that on purpose, knowing that kyle will hear and pursue that
what are kyle's aspirations? he has a dream college, a girl he is interested in. but is there anything beyond that? a sense of purpose that is beyond these typical human desires? most people say they will be happy when they finish college. then they say that when they get a good job. then marriage. then kids. but they usually will not be all that happy, because they see these as goals, something on a list. the love interest and finishing college is this human trait. does kyle have anything other than that? a passion. or maybe there will be an identity crisis. kyle will think about happiness. he is supposed to be happy, isnt he? he know a cute girl and they both seem to like each other. he's smart, athletic, perfect body, good college.
for harry, im not sure yet. there has not been a lot of talk about him, but i see potential
also add a hook to the beginning. ik this is a short synopsis but you want to start off somewhere. and when introducing the characters, find sly ways to describe them, not straight up say "James is a 6'8 North Atlantid"
there are millions of ways you can take this story, these are suggestions
it has good potential



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JoinedFeb 21, 2024Messages3,887Reputation4,026Location55 West 81 St., American Gardens BuildingGuildPierce & Pierce 🐉
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  • #18
add more non NT characters, it gets boring when they're all NT and similar
add more personality and quirks that are individual to each character, they can be flawed or good
ive understood 4 characters so far, mc kyle, genius mr. rockhardt, friend harry, ava (the love interest)
kyle seems perfect attraction wise, smart since he got into the best college. otherwise he seems average, plays video games and eats staple foods. the dream is a good quirk. add more character flaws for him to overcome
mr. rockhardt has potential since he is high iq and rare, use this trait to your advantage to make a fleshed out character
also perhaps plot twists with characters, like harry is secretly a villain or something idk, or a reason why they are all NT
also why does mr rockhardt bring up deep 5 dreams? he is high iq so he knows something is up with kyle, so did he say that on purpose, knowing that kyle will hear and pursue that
what are kyle's aspirations? he has a dream college, a girl he is interested in. but is there anything beyond that? a sense of purpose that is beyond these typical human desires? most people say they will be happy when they finish college. then they say that when they get a good job. then marriage. then kids. but they usually will not be all that happy, because they see these as goals, something on a list. the love interest and finishing college is this human trait. does kyle have anything other than that? a passion. or maybe there will be an identity crisis. kyle will think about happiness. he is supposed to be happy, isnt he? he know a cute girl and they both seem to like each other. he's smart, athletic, perfect body, good college.
for harry, im not sure yet. there has not been a lot of talk about him, but i see potential
also add a hook to the beginning. ik this is a short synopsis but you want to start off somewhere. and when introducing the characters, find sly ways to describe them, not straight up say "James is a 6'8 North Atlantid"
there are millions of ways you can take this story, these are suggestions
it has good potential
Thank you for the feedback Mr. Pfizer, by non NT do you mean a fat subhuman like Ned from Tom Hollands spider-man or like an actual autist?
Thank you for the feedback Mr. Pfizer, by non NT do you mean a fat subhuman like Ned from Tom Hollands spider-man or like an actual autist?
anything that deviates from the social norm of human behavior
like ava and kyle are very polite and nice, they dont act out and seem average except for their looks and intelligence
so make something that is deviant, like a very loud and erratic person, or entitled, narcy, arrogant, envious, paranoid, eccentric, social anxious/difficulty making friends, awkward, vague, odd, stubborn, stupid, schizo, impulsive, attention seeking, distracted, depressed, addicted
it will make some interesting characters
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  • #20
anything that deviates from the social norm of human behavior
like ava and kyle are very polite and nice, they dont act out and seem average except for their looks and intelligence
so make something that is deviant, like a very loud and erratic person, or entitled, narcy, arrogant, envious, paranoid, eccentric, social anxious/difficulty making friends, awkward, vague, odd, stubborn, stupid, schizo, impulsive, attention seeking, distracted, depressed, addicted
it will make some interesting characters
Oh yeah I get what you mean. So like if this was the TikTok Rizz Party, would blue tie kid and Turkish Quandale Dingle be NT or non ant?
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  • #21
Oh yeah I get what you mean. So like if this was the TikTok Rizz Party, would blue tie kid and Turkish Quandale Dingle be NT or non NT?

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