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@tami_26 @Whitepill @Rkelly @softlysoftly @MrdrCake @RAJ GHRANDHICK @(anybody else can be tagged via this reply if i didnt mention them)
we should just ignore astro. i mean he is already ignoring (the feature) some of us, but is still replying to us. he is obviously looking for attention. if nobody replies to him, then he will eventually be bored and stop these shenanigans. because he clearly loves and soaks in the attention, and twists everything to be the victim while everyone else who disagrees are abusers, that he is a messiah who doesnt deserve a word of defiance
i mean this can genuinely work. and if he does something extreme in retaliation then he will simply be banned. or maybe he will turn normal when he realizes nobody actually wants to worship him
@tami_26 @Whitepill @Rkelly @softlysoftly @MrdrCake @RAJ GHRANDHICK @(anybody else can be tagged via this reply if i didnt mention them)
we should just ignore astro. i mean he is already ignoring (the feature) some of us, but is still replying to us. he is obviously looking for attention. if nobody replies to him, then he will eventually be bored and stop these shenanigans. because he clearly loves and soaks in the attention, and twists everything to be the victim while everyone else who disagrees are abusers, that he is a messiah who doesnt deserve a word of defiance
i mean this can genuinely work. and if he does something extreme in retaliation then he will simply be banned. or maybe he will turn normal when he realizes nobody actually wants to worship him
Easy pz
@tami_26 @Whitepill @Rkelly @softlysoftly @MrdrCake @RAJ GHRANDHICK @(anybody else can be tagged via this reply if i didnt mention them)
we should just ignore astro. i mean he is already ignoring (the feature) some of us, but is still replying to us. he is obviously looking for attention. if nobody replies to him, then he will eventually be bored and stop these shenanigans. because he clearly loves and soaks in the attention, and twists everything to be the victim while everyone else who disagrees are abusers, that he is a messiah who doesnt deserve a word of defiance
i mean this can genuinely work. and if he does something extreme in retaliation then he will simply be banned. or maybe he will turn normal when he realizes nobody actually wants to worship him
Id gaf
If he wants to be an asshole even though he’s in the wrong icl

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