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Life as sub MTN


Another Day, Another Opportunity
Established Member
Jun 14, 2024
My life is so conflicting as a 6’3 LTN-Subhuman, some people treat me like complete shit and then on the other hand some people treat me great IRL. I hate being ugly and recessed it’s a curse, my only hope left is getting lean.
My life is so conflicting as a 6’3 LTN-Subhuman, some people treat me like complete shit and then on the other hand some people treat me great IRL. I hate being ugly and recessed it’s a curse, my only hope left is getting lean.
Ur 6,3 stfu

Fair skin is a must in those whitening obsessed countries
People here are themselves brown

and the place I live is high-income area, they aren't like that nor white worshipping

I have lighter skin or same skin tone as everyone else
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there is a chart about how likely women are to reject a man based on height and 5’8 was somewhere around 40% of women would reject
The chart I have says a woman’s ideal height is 6’4, and her preferred face is top 4% of men. I don’t know how legit it is because it seems to change every time, but it looks like you just need to be in the goldilocks zone (5’10-6’1) and it’ll be face that matters 99% of the time.
The chart I have says a woman’s ideal height is 6’4, and her preferred face is top 4% of men. I don’t know how legit it is because it seems to change every time, but it looks like you just need to be in the goldilocks zone (5’10-6’1) and it’ll be face that matters 99% of the time.
both face and height matters, but online height is just a number, and face is way more important. IRL, height will immediately get you noticed and then having a good looking face seals it.
The chart I have says a woman’s ideal height is 6’4, and her preferred face is top 4% of men. I don’t know how legit it is because it seems to change every time, but it looks like you just need to be in the goldilocks zone (5’10-6’1) and it’ll be face that matters 99% of the time.
Most girls can’t tell height for shit but yeah
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