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Experience Lifefuel?


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
So I was at the gym yesterday like allways and I walk up and do my thing etc. Then a girl (that was with a guy, I mogged him quite alot in all aspects. Height, physique, face etc felt quite bad for him cuz hes clearly tryina get this girl) but anyways the girl walks up to me and just starts talking for no where asking for my name and for how long ive been at the gym for. It wnds up with her tryin to take my weights on the machine i was using (ofc she couldnt move it) and then she tried to tske 1/5th of the weight and it didnt move so she starts glazing me n shit and then asks for my phone number and snap and the look from the guy that was with her was acually so sad like his eyes just went all sad n shit but lowk this girl was a high mtb + huge ass so I couldnt just pass up.
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We have been textning a bit todsy and we are goin to the gym, lowk i better not fuck this up
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  • #16
Legend post pic mah man
Damn I didnt see, but good news for u bc im meeting her to go gym tmrw again 🤯 this shit went great. We met at the gas station close to the gym, ofc I had to buy her somthing soni bought each of us the following: 1 monster, 1 protein drink + protein bar. She said ty and started to tell me how kind i am etc. Anyways while walking to the gym she started to talk abt how she allways wanted a gym guy and I dint know how to respond so I just changed topic and asked her what machine she wsnted to start with (we did legs bc I let her choose 😔) And when we finally came to the gym we went to do squats and she asked me to see if she did it correctly (she wore the thightest shorts ive seen and u could basically see her ass) and damn bro her ass was acually bigger then what I thought. Well im not gonna yap to much bc much more didnt gappen except for some glaze here and there. But she did say after the gym sesh that she would love to meet up next week to go and do sum that isnt gym, I thought goin to a café then the mall is a good choice but if not lmk. But ye we are meeting tmrw again to gym
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  • #17
And ye I also asked her who that guy from yesterday was and she said "it was no one dw"... I feel awfull for him but shii, im just as lonely as him bru :sadge:

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