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Looking at a physically appealing woman’s body descends men into a primitive state

Nah imagine if you got super high without smoking and you never were high before, that’s what it’s like to enter a primitive state caused by being horny
maybe when you hit puberty and its the first time... but eventually you get used to it and are aware, and getting used to it is pretty fast
maybe when you hit puberty and its the first time... but eventually you get used to it and are aware, and getting used to it is pretty fast
Then its not worth it
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  • #26
maybe when you hit puberty and its the first time... but eventually you get used to it and are aware, and getting used to it is pretty fast
I guess you’re only a little bit aware of it but you have no control over it

If you were fully aware that you were horny and in a primitive state you wouldn’t masturbate because you know how extremely embarrassing and disgusting it is
I guess you’re only a little bit aware of it but you have no control over it

If you were fully aware that you were horny and in a primitive state you wouldn’t masturbate because you know how extremely embarrassing and disgusting it is
oh, so you just have self control issues
i can control myself to refrain from masturbating when im horny
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  • #29
oh, so you just have self control issues
i can control myself to refrain from masturbating when im horny
I don’t have self control issues

I’m saying that when most men masturbate and look at porn, they aren’t aware that they’re in a primitive state

If they were they would realize it’s an embarrassing and disgusting to do

What can’t u comprehend
I don’t have self control issues

I’m saying that when most men masturbate and look at porn, they aren’t aware that they’re in a primitive state

If they were they would realize it’s an embarrassing and disgusting to do

What can’t u comprehend
i can comprehend that it is disgusting and embarassing even when im horny
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  • #37
My point is right because mostly all men aren’t aware that they’re in a primitive state, they literally can’t control themselves from being horny

Being horny and watching porn and masturbating is literally the same thing as being put under mind control, being ordered to go on a killing spree and thinking everything is ok with you killing people
My point is right because mostly all men aren’t aware that they’re in a primitive state, they literally can’t control themselves from being horny

Being horny and watching porn and masturbating is literally the same thing as being put under mind control, being ordered to go on a killing spree and thinking everything is ok with you killing people
mostly all men in your argument=incel cucks

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