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Announcement Looking for New Moderators to Join the Team!!

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You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.
Mar 17, 2019
Texas, USA
Instagram: looksmaxxing
Order of Nihil
Hey guys,

I'm opening up moderator applications again, so if you're interested in joining the moderation team on the greatest forum on the internet (imo) then feel free to apply!

To apply, please fill out this quick Google Form (serious applications only please): **SUBMISSIONS CLOSED**


  • Exclusive staff badge underneath your name
  • Access to exclusive username colors
  • Ability to perform moderator-only actions (i.e. approve new users, provide warnings/bans, remove posts/threads, etc)
  • Upcoming perks as the website grows
Please note that your submission will not be shared with anyone outside of the staff team

If you have any questions then please let me know. :peepoLove:
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Hey guys,

I'm opening up moderator applications again, so if you're interested in joining the moderation team on the greatest forum on the internet (imo) then feel free to apply!

To apply, please fill out this quick Google Form (serious applications only please):
  • Exclusive staff badge underneath your name
  • Access to exclusive username colors
  • Ability to perform moderator-only actions (i.e. approve new users, provide warnings/bans, remove posts/threads, etc)
  • Upcoming perks as the website grows
Please note that your submission will not be shared with anyone outside of the staff team

If you have any questions then please let me know. :peepoLove:
fuck u n***a what are these requirements
Hey guys,

I'm opening up moderator applications again, so if you're interested in joining the moderation team on the greatest forum on the internet (imo) then feel free to apply!

To apply, please fill out this quick Google Form (serious applications only please):
  • Exclusive staff badge underneath your name
  • Access to exclusive username colors
  • Ability to perform moderator-only actions (i.e. approve new users, provide warnings/bans, remove posts/threads, etc)
  • Upcoming perks as the website grows
Please note that your submission will not be shared with anyone outside of the staff team

If you have any questions then please let me know. :peepoLove:
Hi @Dean if you remember @Quncho he wanted to be a mod. If i talk with him on .org about it, do you think he has a chance to be a mod ?
Hey guys,

I'm opening up moderator applications again, so if you're interested in joining the moderation team on the greatest forum on the internet (imo) then feel free to apply!

To apply, please fill out this quick Google Form (serious applications only please):
  • Exclusive staff badge underneath your name
  • Access to exclusive username colors
  • Ability to perform moderator-only actions (i.e. approve new users, provide warnings/bans, remove posts/threads, etc)
  • Upcoming perks as the website grows
Please note that your submission will not be shared with anyone outside of the staff team

If you have any questions then please let me know. :peepoLove:
I'll be the best mod on here. Anyone breaks the rules, foid or not, gets a warning.

I'll bring equality into here.
Hey Dean. I would like to apply. I have tons of experience in this roll
Use this link, brother. You would make a great moderator. ❤️

Click on the link and fill your answer in the box. I had applied but then I changed my mind afterwards. I think you’d do a much better job anyway. :)
Use this link, brother. You would make a great moderator. ❤️

Click on the link and fill your answer in the box. I had applied but then I changed my mind afterwards. I think you’d do a much better job anyway. :)
Oh yeah, I got it now. And appreciate it mang

Why you changed your mind? Don't say that, bro. You would be great mod as well
Oh yeah, I got it now. And appreciate it mang

Why you changed your mind? Don't say that, bro. You would be great mod as well
You’re welcome, mang! And I changed my mind because I prefer being a regular user. I’m just here to interact with the community, rather than actively trying to moderate it.
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