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Rage ban questions


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
After checking out some recent comments, it appears that I have received some hate for going to a different forum. You guys don't even know why I was banned. So I'm going to post the thread here so that yall stop asking questions or just pm me. C'mon now. They basically covered it up and called it a ban for a single low effort post in the looksmaxxing section while the rest of the users clowned whoever posted the the thread. I have a short summary here from the telling of both accounts just so you don't have to read all this. Pm me for anything else. Don't post anything about this anywhere else so that we can stop the flooding of other good threads with this pointless topic. Much of this has been edited because without it, it may violate forum rules.

Note: For those who said I was lurking here while I wait, I have been banned for around a month and came here yesterday. I have had time to think.


Basically the ban was on my old account called noclue for an alleged alt which was actually my brothers account. We both run a private business and live in the same home. Mods saw both of the accounts under the same ip and banned one of them (which my brother deleted) I don't remember his account's name. The other one (noclue) was temp banned, except the issue was that the mod who temp-banned me said I'd be temp banned for 3 days, which turned into weeks. And because it's a temp ban, I do not have the ability to set a ban appeal or talk to anyone. It also didn't help that the mod did not allow replies to their ban message.

I first tried to contact the forum but they did not respond. So my last resort was to create an alt, but they banned and got rid of that one and the next one. But then Quncho, the account in the forum was finally let go. I was banned again not to long after but the account was not deleted and they called it a ban for low post effort on a high quality thread which is opinion based, so I had the ability to report mod abuse and set an appeal thanks to the account being let go. But as you could expect (excuse me for my language) they called it as bullshit and defended their mod saying, and I quote from Orc, "we're not inclined to believe your story due to the sheer amount of alts involved and very specific notes left on previous bans, although I cannot go in detail." They did not leave any notes on the other accounts.

So I am here waiting for another 6 months until I may get an extraordinary unban chance in february. Chances are if I tell the story again, they will say the same thing. So what I'll do is just play along with their bs and say that I made all the alts, just so I can fill up their egos. That probably won't work anyway. So chances are I'll be staying here, which is good enough for me. I was a well known member over there and I wasn't hated by anyone except for Rhinoplasty, but if knew him, you wouldn't care, so I'm going to help out here instead.

Mod: That's not what you were banned for.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265
That's not what you were banned for.
What? Thats literally what it says in the message the mod gave me bruh. Pm me. I can send you a screen shot.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265
That's not what you were banned for.
@Lmao and @0hMan, whatever the ban was for please tell me what it was and I won't do it again, I have a lot left to do here before I leave.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265
Yall ain't never going to respond ever bruh. Look, whatever it is that I did, please just get rid of it and let me back in. @Lmao already removed the comment. @0hMan, if it wasn't for posting low effort then what was it. I need to know man. This is the message @Lmao sent me.

You have a received a 20% warning from Moderation Staff for the post Nose Size Reduction via Softmaxing, or Why you may NOT need a Rhino:

Honestly dnr but probably a good thread.
Additional comments:
low quality reply on a high quality thread (Quncho's note: this is opinion based)

You can read the rules here:

Rules and FAQ​

Warnings are added to your personal file. A high enough total warning level (60% - 90%) will mean a temporary ban, while 100% will mean a permanent ban.

If you have any question, feel free to reply to this PM.
That's not what you were banned for.
Don't leave me hanging out here my .... Lmao refuses to reply to my questions. Can yall send me a pm.


diagnosed autist​

JoinedJul 18, 2022Posts22,648Reputation62,873
the ban is for being an alt of @no clue


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265
the ban is for being an alt of @no clue
Look.@Lmao, @0hMan, and @Orc, The reason why I was banned from that account was because of the same reason too but there was a personal reason as well and mods still don't believe it. Me and my brother both live in the same house and work together. We both have a different account and mods didn't believe shit after both were banned. My brother tried to tell them but the appeal was rejected and he decided to leave the forum and he called the mods racists for some reason.

Anyway I decided to delete @no clue account because one of the mods put me on a perma-temp ban so I couldn't appeal or tell anybody anything.

It was my first "offense" too so I should have had the ability to appeal anyway. I attempted to make more alts so I could explain but they were swiftly banned. Any of the alts I made should have been deleted. I wanted to start this new account to help people out but clearly such is impossible. I've tried to explain and help others but it won't work. Please forgive me for making the alts and let me be.

Ever since I've been on this account I have not committed any offenses and just wanted to stay here and help out others. I won't do any of this again because I have no reason to. Please forgive me I beg yall.


diagnosed autist​

JoinedJul 18, 2022Posts22,648Reputation62,873
we're not inclined to believe your story due to the sheer amount of alts involved and very specific notes left on previous bans, although I cannot go in detail.
wish you luck brah

maybe this is a sign to quit org are the rot :rainbowpls:
jk its ur choice, if you really want to return then i hope you are able to
After checking out some recent comments, it appears that I have received some hate for going to a different forum. You guys don't even know why I was banned. So I'm going to post the thread here so that yall stop asking questions or just pm me. C'mon now. They basically covered it up and called it a ban for a single low effort post in the looksmaxxing section while the rest of the users clowned whoever posted the the thread. I have a short summary here from the telling of both accounts just so you don't have to read all this. Pm me for anything else. Don't post anything about this anywhere else so that we can stop the flooding of other good threads with this pointless topic. Much of this has been edited because without it, it may violate forum rules.

Note: For those who said I was lurking here while I wait, I have been banned for around a month and came here yesterday. I have had time to think.


Basically the ban was on my old account called noclue for an alleged alt which was actually my brothers account. We both run a private business and live in the same home. Mods saw both of the accounts under the same ip and banned one of them (which my brother deleted) I don't remember his account's name. The other one (noclue) was temp banned, except the issue was that the mod who temp-banned me said I'd be temp banned for 3 days, which turned into weeks. And because it's a temp ban, I do not have the ability to set a ban appeal or talk to anyone. It also didn't help that the mod did not allow replies to their ban message.

I first tried to contact the forum but they did not respond. So my last resort was to create an alt, but they banned and got rid of that one and the next one. But then Quncho, the account in the forum was finally let go. I was banned again not to long after but the account was not deleted and they called it a ban for low post effort on a high quality thread which is opinion based, so I had the ability to report mod abuse and set an appeal thanks to the account being let go. But as you could expect (excuse me for my language) they called it as bullshit and defended their mod saying, and I quote from Orc, "we're not inclined to believe your story due to the sheer amount of alts involved and very specific notes left on previous bans, although I cannot go in detail." They did not leave any notes on the other accounts.

So I am here waiting for another 6 months until I may get an extraordinary unban chance in february. Chances are if I tell the story again, they will say the same thing. So what I'll do is just play along with their bs and say that I made all the alts, just so I can fill up their egos. That probably won't work anyway. So chances are I'll be staying here, which is good enough for me. I was a well known member over there and I wasn't hated by anyone except for Rhinoplasty, but if knew him, you wouldn't care, so I'm going to help out here instead.

Mod: That's not what you were banned for.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265

What? Thats literally what it says in the message the mod gave me bruh. Pm me. I can send you a screen shot.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265

@Lmao and @0hMan, whatever the ban was for please tell me what it was and I won't do it again, I have a lot left to do here before I leave.


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265

Yall ain't never going to respond ever bruh. Look, whatever it is that I did, please just get rid of it and let me back in. @Lmao already removed the comment. @0hMan, if it wasn't for posting low effort then what was it. I need to know man. This is the message @Lmao sent me.

You have a received a 20% warning from Moderation Staff for the post Nose Size Reduction via Softmaxing, or Why you may NOT need a Rhino:

Additional comments:
low quality reply on a high quality thread (Quncho's note: this is opinion based)

You can read the rules here:

Rules and FAQ​

Warnings are added to your personal file. A high enough total warning level (60% - 90%) will mean a temporary ban, while 100% will mean a permanent ban.

If you have any question, feel free to reply to this PM.

Don't leave me hanging out here my .... Lmao refuses to reply to my questions. Can yall send me a pm.


diagnosed autist​

JoinedJul 18, 2022Posts22,648Reputation62,873
the ban is for being an alt of @no clue


Professional Thugmaxxer​

JoinedJul 21, 2024Posts237Reputation265

Look.@Lmao, @0hMan, and @Orc, The reason why I was banned from that account was because of the same reason too but there was a personal reason as well and mods still don't believe it. Me and my brother both live in the same house and work together. We both have a different account and mods didn't believe shit after both were banned. My brother tried to tell them but the appeal was rejected and he decided to leave the forum and he called the mods racists for some reason.

Anyway I decided to delete @no clue account because one of the mods put me on a perma-temp ban so I couldn't appeal or tell anybody anything.

It was my first "offense" too so I should have had the ability to appeal anyway. I attempted to make more alts so I could explain but they were swiftly banned. Any of the alts I made should have been deleted. I wanted to start this new account to help people out but clearly such is impossible. I've tried to explain and help others but it won't work. Please forgive me for making the alts and let me be.

Ever since I've been on this account I have not committed any offenses and just wanted to stay here and help out others. I won't do any of this again because I have no reason to. Please forgive me I beg yall.


diagnosed autist​

JoinedJul 18, 2022Posts22,648Reputation62,873
we're not inclined to believe your story due to the sheer amount of alts involved and very specific notes left on previous bans, although I cannot go in detail.
I can save you.
