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Looksmaxxing x Dr. Mike Mew Interview


You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.
Mar 17, 2019
Texas, USA
Instagram: looksmaxxing
Order of Nihil
Hi everyone.

Thanks all for submitting your questions for Dr. Mike Mew.

He has graciously given up some of his time to answer some of our questions (unfortunately, not all the questions made it to the interview).

Since it's an hour long interview, I thought it would be good to break it up into seperate parts.

If you live in New York and want to see Dr. Mew live and be given a chance to talk with him then consider purchasing a ticket to MewCon happening August 17th:

Download the official Mewing App:
Donations can be made to Dr. Mike Mew here:

Q1: For people who are new to you and your work, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?

Q2: The incidence of crooked teeth/malocclusion has been rising over the years. In your opinion, what are the primary causes of this trend?

Q3: In 1998, your father, Dr. John Mew, warned on public TV about the impact of traditional orthodontic treatments on facial form. Was this warning taken seriously at the time, and do you think that people are more receptive to this information today?

Q4: You and your father have long advocated for a public discussion on the causes of malocclusion. Why do you believe there is reluctance within your profession to engage in this debate?

Q5: 'Mewing' has become extremely popular online, amassing billions of views on TikTok and other social media platforms. What factors do you think contribute to its appeal, particularly among younger audiences?

Q6: What advice would you give to parents who want to prevent their children from developing crooked teeth?

Q7: Mewing is a term that is often used within the looksmaxxing community. What are your thoughts on looksmaxxing, and do you consider the pursuit of improving one's appearance important? If so, why?

Q8: What are your thoughts on the carnivore diet in regards to oral/dental health and what do you think is the optimal diet for homosapiens? @Rkelly

Q9: What’s your opinion on mouth breathing during extremely high intensity exercise? @Rkelly

Q10: Your Netflix documentary ‘Open Wide’ was released earlier this year. How was your experience during the filming process, and are you happy with its reception?

Q11: Could you tell us a little bit about your upcoming convention ‘MewCon’ happening next month?

Q12: What else can people do to support you and your cause? Possibly going online to watch MewCon, joining the community, or purchasing the mewing app?

Mewcon is a hilarious title ngl
i imagine a bunch of psl autists standing around in a room squinting and jutting
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Mewcon is a hilarious title ngl
i imagine a bunch of psl autists standing around in a room squinting and jutting
.com members rolling up to MewCon 2024
what do people say at mewcon if they will be mewing all the time
They will be squeezing their eyes, pointing at their jawline, walking like a model, flexing their muscle, and saying:

"Profile? You like my profile?"

Like birds.
They will only day that, as birds.

Jeremiah died like a dog
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The remaining videos have been uploaded, let me know what you think.

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