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Jul 4, 2019
tell me how long have you been into self improvement? Are you enjoying learning how to feel better about yourself through improvement of your looks? What's the avg age here now? My suspicion is younger and younger are joining. Which concerns me as most kids should be focusing on playing and making friends and being outside all day 🙃 but it seems social media is pushing towards a different direction.
tell me how long have you been into self improvement? Are you enjoying learning how to feel better about yourself through improvement of your looks? What's the avg age here now? My suspicion is younger and younger are joining. Which concerns me as most kids should be focusing on playing and making friends and being outside all day 🙃 but it seems social media is pushing towards a different direction.
Probably has been into it for about a year now; I used to be bullied a lot and got really insecure, but never understood how I could improve myself and never really got down any sense of discipline. I really haven't improved much about my looks because I'm a really negative person and lives around toxic environments, but I still attempt to try. When I see slight changes, I often get more motivated.

I'm 16. I suppose the average age here is now around that age range, with the youngest being 14.

I will tag @girlfailure @pompompurino and @femcel since I want to hear their opinions as a female! Also probably, @Dandelions
tell me how long have you been into self improvement? Are you enjoying learning how to feel better about yourself through improvement of your looks? What's the avg age here now? My suspicion is younger and younger are joining. Which concerns me as most kids should be focusing on playing and making friends and being outside all day 🙃 but it seems social media is pushing towards a different direction.
Been taking it seriously for the past two years. It's hard to feel much better about myself due to my experiences with girls. I'm 17. Yeah, the young kids should be focusing on living a healthy life and being outside with friends.
Agreed. I joined .is when I was 13 and it rotted my brain
holy shit are u serious? i thought people joining these spaces in their late teen years is bad enough but damn thats fucked. cant imagine finding these places shortly after hitting puberty

im glad i didnt find these brainrot forums such as .is and .org until i was in my 20s
Probably has been into it for about a year now; I used to be bullied a lot and got really insecure, but never understood how I could improve myself and never really got down any sense of discipline. I really haven't improved much about my looks because I'm a really negative person and lives around toxic environments, but I still attempt to try. When I see slight changes, I often get more motivated.

I'm 16. I suppose the average age here is now around that age range, with the youngest being 14.

I will tag @girlfailure @pompompurino and @femcel since I want to hear their opinions as a female! Also probably, @Dandelions
Yea the average age range on this forum is probably around 15 or 16 IMO.
i’m not a new member but i’ve just been in this for some months now, im definitely feeling a lot better and know exactly what to do. it just takes some patience. im 18 personally and it makes me kinda sad to see such young kids on here, but thats just how social media is. so many insecure kids these days.
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It hurts to see kids 13 getting on here thinking they have to look like male models when they are still in their worm growth phase. You tend to hit ur prime at 25 to 27. So like....your not even close to your peak and yet you believe somehow you failed? Serious guys you got tons of time to play and improve your social skills before you can start worrying about running out of time and even if you hit your peak. The slow burn to 40 and with how much options we have to slow or down is comically comforting. We have peptides and drugs to make it even easier. Small changes in skincare. Maintaining your looks is easy. Be glad we are born now and not 30 years ago where balding was just the norm with hardly any options.

60 is the new 40 in my opinion. If you do all the wonderful options we have of course. However live a unhealthy life style and sure 40 is like being 60.
It hurts to see kids 13 getting on here thinking they have to look like male models when they are still in their worm growth phase. You tend to hit ur prime at 25 to 27. So like....your not even close to your peak and yet you believe somehow you failed? Serious guys you got tons of time to play and improve your social skills before you can start worrying about running out of time and even if you hit your peak. The slow burn to 40 and with how much options we have to slow or down is comically comforting. We have peptides and drugs to make it even easier. Small changes in skincare. Maintaining your looks is easy. Be glad we are born now and not 30 years ago where balding was just the norm with hardly any options.

60 is the new 40 in my opinion. If you do all the wonderful options we have of course. However live an unhealthy life style and sure 40 is like being 60.
I disagree. I think your peak life years are 21 and below.
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