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  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo
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Signed, no regrets, no hesitation.
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Why? So you can get mogged even more by future generations? No tnx, let them grow up recessed
I'll pass bro
Mewing is great and all but I'm not too hyped about it going mainstream or being taught in schools....ya ik it's selfish but I learnedd the hard way and actually reaseached long and hard to get this info. Not happy about others getting it without knowing the value of it. Also don't worry I'll teach my children myself.
I'll pass bro
Mewing is great and all but I'm not too hyped about it going mainstream or being taught in schools....ya ik it's selfish but I learnedd the hard way and actually reaseached long and hard to get this info. Not happy about others getting it without knowing the value of it.
Damn okay