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  • #12
If there isnt for you most definitely there isnt one for me.
Im honestly considering suicide again for the third fucking time in like a month or some.
Sick of "slays" and shit i want a girl who truly loves me and takes care of me but she doesnt exist.
don't do it bro
don't do it bro
I'm too scared anyways. Tried knife several times and just couldnt push past minor bleeding.
Every day it feels as if i'm getting worse. I'm having more and more trouble hiding my mental ilness/insanity.
I truthfully can't tell you why. I'm thinking it's because i'm waiting for something so long it became too long and secretly i know i'll never have it.
Chadlite and shit is worthless if you can't have a gorgeous girlfriend amazing friends and a non-abusive family to enjoy chadlite and life with.
Fuck me man, i'm so tired of this shit.
Pain is eating me up on every side, i truly am getting more and more instable every day.
I want to cry and scream and hurt myself and the people around me. Not in an ER way but mentally rather.
I don't know what to do anymore. Cigarettes again maybe, my best friend PsychoDsk adviced me drugs.
Who knows really
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
I'm too scared anyways. Tried knife several times and just couldnt push past minor bleeding.
Every day it feels as if i'm getting worse. I'm having more and more trouble hiding my mental ilness/insanity.
I truthfully can't tell you why. I'm thinking it's because i'm waiting for something so long it became too long and secretly i know i'll never have it.
Chadlite and shit is worthless if you can't have a gorgeous girlfriend amazing friends and a non-abusive family to enjoy chadlite and life with.
Fuck me man, i'm so tired of this shit.
love you bro, hope your life improves man♥️
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  • #16
Pain is eating me up on every side, i truly am getting more and more instable every day.
I want to cry and scream and hurt myself and the people around me. Not in an ER way but mentally rather.
I don't know what to do anymore. Cigarettes again maybe, my best friend PsychoDsk adviced me drugs.
Who knows really
drugs are just temporary cope, they will probably make your life worse in the long run
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  • #26
while listening to this i suddenly felt amazing and now im thinking of my face post orthognatic surgery and contacts that i will look like an absolute chad in some kind of edit left for my grandchildren with my best moments of my life.
Honestly pm me on org for my face.
deleted my account on .org😢

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