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Mastic gum study on kids.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2019
Daily chewing of a tough chewing material consisting of resin from a pine tree (Mastix from the island of Chios, Greece) was instituted in 13 children (aged 7–12 years) with long-face morphology. The chewing exercise therapy was maintained for one year and aimed at revealing the possibility of strengthening the masticatory muscles and influencing facial growth.
Masticatory muscle strength was monitored by measurement of bite force and electromyo-graphic recording of the activity of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during biting and chewing. The facial morphology was recorded with profile cephalograms and dental casts.
During the one-year experimental period, there was a significant increase in bite force and muscle activity during maximal bite. The change was already evident at the first control recording 3 months after the start of the chewing exercise therapy. The muscle activity during chewing of apple and peanuts did not change significantly.
The facial growth was characterized by anterior mandibular rotation in 9 of 12 cases while a posterior rotation occurred in 2 cases. The anterior rotation was, on average, 2.5 degrees and thus considerably greater than would be expected during normal growth. There were no signs of reduced vertical growth of the maxilla, a reduced rate of molar eruption or increased growth of the mandible.

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You can't be serious. In the first photo you can already see obvious downward growth. Have never seen it reverse like that. At most his jaw or cheekbones could fill out or widen a bit.

Coupled with the fantastic article OP posted, perhaps all that is really needed is chewing alone. The conscious application of tongue pressure seems a bit absurd. I don't think (?) that even healthy people with perfect oral posture actively exert pressure, unless anybody has some evidence to the contrary.

Would also encourage reading the downvoted comments at the bottom. Someone posted more info and it showed that the guy in the photos actually developed a diastema.
You can't be serious. In the first photo you can already see obvious downward growth. Have never seen it reverse like that. At most his jaw or cheekbones could fill out or widen a bit.

Coupled with the fantastic article OP posted, perhaps all that is really needed is chewing alone. The conscious application of tongue pressure seems a bit absurd. I don't think (?) that even healthy people with perfect oral posture actively exert pressure, unless anybody has some evidence to the contrary.
chewing definitlely works but seeing as how he is post puberty and theres only supposedlyy one year difference between the pics theres no way you can say that he corrected his facial growth. i bet if he had scans done in the before and after his airway, arch width etc. would all be the exact same. there are plenty of people who go through drastic facial changes at that age so stop coping
Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
Good barking session
stick to off topic with your dog obsession. theres a minimum iq requirement to be here
Lol 😂 the lowest iq member of the forum is talking about iq requirements hahahaha
Clown world

I IQ mog you to hell and back
Maybe that's why our Neanderthal ancestors had such robust skulls. Now obviously we look a little different from them nowadays, but chewing hard, unprocessed food all day would have a similar effect to the mastic gum in the studies OP provided.