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Maybe my niche is just medium ugly

Well ok maybe my niche is ugly handsome. I have strongish features. Wide face large cheekbones. Just not quite handsome
Thatโ€™s just called being an ogre, have some appeal I guess
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  • #9
Idk but since you said some girl called you cute or something before , maybe itโ€™s not over for you .
Idk maybe you need to approach or soemthing .
Lately I've been kissing girls at the club but I'm height frauding like lol. Still got rated a fucking LTN
Idk but since you said some girl called you cute or something before , maybe itโ€™s not over for you .
Idk maybe you need to approach or soemthing .
Approaching is a terrible idea as a man
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  • #13
As someone called whitepill I wouldnt expect this to be your take
you are delusional if you think approaching will get you In prison whatever helps you cope ig.
The most she can say is NO .
Also donโ€™t go for some mean bitch . Maybe such bitches can land you in jail idk
You also arenโ€™t one. Imagine the Indian janitor comes to approach you? What will you say?
Would you ask out someone below your looksmatch .I wouldnโ€™t ,I deserve atleast my looksmatched . Not some 5โ€™2 janitor bud.
Would you ask out someone below your looksmatch .I wouldnโ€™t ,I deserve atleast my looksmatched . Not some 5โ€™2 janitor bud.
Isnโ€™t that your looks match according to you?
Isnโ€™t that your looks match according to you?
Women atleast deserve 5-6inch height difference.
Why should I go for someone just 1 inch taller than me.
You can say I am being heightist or whatver but I will never change my preference.( itโ€™s bare minimum. Just be ltn and 5โ€™5 atleast.
If it means dying alone celibate so be it.
Women atleast deserve 5-6inch height difference.
Why should I go for someone just 1 inch taller than me.
You can say I am being heightist or whatver but I will never change my preference.( itโ€™s bare minimum. Just be ltn and 5โ€™5 atleast.
If it means dying alone celibate so be it.
Depends on your countryโ€™s height average. Would you actually date a 5โ€™5 ltn tho
Depends on your countryโ€™s height average. Would you actually date a 5โ€™5 ltn tho
TBh after thinking briefly about this,
I have come to a conclusion, i will not settle for anythign below htn tbh. I iwll try my best to be mtb atleast so going for one point higher is not hat bad ig.
I dont care about my hypocrisy or whatever.
TBh after thinking briefly about this,
I have come to a conclusion, i will not settle for anythign below htn tbh. I iwll try my best to be mtb atleast so going for one point higher is not hat bad ig.
I dont care about my hypocrisy or whatever.
Fair enough thatโ€™s natural
Just like that dude on tiktok that always cuts something and said he pulls with his honker?
Medium ugly = still a tall cute guy

Girls who want ugly guys as bf's are the ones who got played by chad/chadlite. They want now a guy who can't walk away. I've literally seen a girl publicly mocking his bf for being shorter and starting balding, while rubbing into his face how much she got hotter men's attention on Instagram.... brutal & depressing
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  • #41
Medium ugly = still a tall cute guy

Girls who want ugly guys as bf's are the ones who got played by chad/chadlite. They want now a guy who can't walk away. I've literally seen a girl publicly mocking his bf for being shorter and starting balding, while rubbing into his face how much she got hotter men's attention on Instagram.... brutal & depressing
Maybe I'm delusional but I don't feel that ugly despite being told I'm LTN. Maybe jaw surgery will ascend me lol
