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Mewing it's brootal cope

honest it ain't cope for 17+ if you wanna avoid further recessions of the jaw it will help you swithc to nasal breathing overtime
Not fully cope as it makes the jaw more defined. Why tf would you expect it to change your bones?
Not fully cope as it makes the jaw more defined. Why tf would you expect it to change your bones?
Because that has been said many times by qualified people. There are entire fields out there dedicated to shaping bones with oral posture Although they are focused on children
Mewing is just a healthy habit, correct posture for your tongue, if you are still in your teens you can gain lot of palate expansion and mewing also raises hyoid bone over time, so no it's not really cope
Mewing is just a healthy habit, correct posture for your tongue, if you are still in your teens you can gain lot of palate expansion and mewing also raises hyoid bone over time, so no it's not reallyits denftly helped but its not an end all situation if your young combine it with other techniques
its good for your face I agree but its not going to be the end all situation if your like 13 mb but it should be combined with techniques such as chewing/swallowing properly and good posture and should be a prolonged activity. no one even if your super young is going to see extreme results in 3 weeks