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Hypothesis mewing tutoria lresult

your bones grew naturally through puberty
maxilla doesn't grow forward after 14. I have x ray evidence of a considerable upswing and remodelling of my maxilla. I was a lifelong mouthbreather and I got my bones to above average before puberty slowed down so it worked for me. Without discovering mewing I would be subhuman rn.

Its only cope after puberty.
maxilla doesn't grow forward after 14. I have x ray evidence of a considerable upswing and remodelling of my maxilla. I was a lifelong mouthbreather and I got my bones to above average before puberty slowed down so it worked for me. Without discovering mewing I would be subhuman rn.

Its only cope after puberty.
what age did you start and until what age did u notice it to have a difference
maxilla doesn't grow forward after 14. I have x ray evidence of a considerable upswing and remodelling of my maxilla. I was a lifelong mouthbreather and I got my bones to above average before puberty slowed down so it worked for me. Without discovering mewing I would be subhuman rn.

Its only cope after puberty.
what age did you start and until what age did u notice it to have a difference
what age did you start and until what age did u notice it to have a difference
I started at 14 and noticed big changes at almost 15 yrs old, then they kept coming slowly over time.

Most ppl think its only tongue posture but there is so much more you need to do, like diet (especially vitamin d supplement, magnesium supplement etc), body posture, maximizing androgens like dht etc.
no bs straight to the point mewing ain't gonna show results if your like 30 percent bf but you also have to start young like 12-14 optimal age while bones are still malibalbe.
I started at 14 and noticed big changes at almost 15 yrs old, then they kept coming slowly over time.

Most ppl think its only tongue posture but there is so much more you need to do, like diet (especially vitamin d supplement, magnesium supplement etc), body posture, maximizing androgens like dht etc.
absolutely, and even if puberty does play a big role in a given transformation, at the end of the day you still look better than before so it’s all good.
Mewing is the proper posture of the tongue. Mewing is necessary for correct head posture, growth/development, breathing/makes snoring go away and since the tongue is right there with the vagus nerve (main nerve) it reduces all sorts of neuro issues. Learn life
Mewing is the proper posture of the tongue. Mewing is necessary for correct head posture, growth/development, breathing/makes snoring go away and since the tongue is right there with the vagus nerve (main nerve) it reduces all sorts of neuro issues. Learn life
fr, half of these retards think mewing is a fad but its actually a rediscovery of our natural oral posture. even if ur too old to see results do it anyways since A it has health benefits and B, it raises your hyoid and makes you instantly look better.
fr, half of these retards think mewing is a fad but its actually a rediscovery of our natural oral posture. even if ur too old to see results do it anyways since A it has health benefits and B, it raises your hyoid and makes you instantly look better.
name a health benefit
I’m ascending and mewing is the reason