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Mewing WORKS

people will have their natural body growth but they happen to mew through it so they will attribute it to mewing meanwhile it was just their bodies normal growth. mewing doesn't work.
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  • #6
people will have their natural body growth but they happen to mew through it so they will attribute it to mewing meanwhile it was just their bodies normal growth. mewing doesn't work.
That's why I'm saying mewing only does shit while you're growing
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  • #10
how do u maintain them lmk
I used vitamin e oil on my skin in general but it somehow helped thicken my eyebrows, from there I just pluck them every 2-3 weeks, sometimes weekly depending on the shape I wanna keep. I'm thinking of using an eyebrow brush but so far I've only used my fingers and water lol
mewing is like posture

bad posture= does not look good, uncomfortable, your bones might grow into it during puberty
mouth breathing=does not look good, will mess up your facial features

good posture=looks good and condifent, deeloping properly and gives appearance of better height (does not really affect real body length)
see how mewing is just good posture? its just the healthy standard
it doesn actually change your bones its just proper positioning for development and to prevent mouth breather effects
mewing is like posture

bad posture= does not look good, uncomfortable, your bones might grow into it during puberty
mouth breathing=does not look good, will mess up your facial features

good posture=looks good and condifent, deeloping properly and gives appearance of better height (does not really affect real body length)
see how mewing is just good posture? its just the healthy standard
it doesn actually change your bones its just proper positioning for development and to prevent mouth breather effects
Exactly. I will never be one of the people to say that mewing does absolutely nothing. Proper tongue posture during one's formative years will have an impact on their facial development. Just like posture.
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