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JFL mewing


we keep walkin
Dec 9, 2024
jaws/palates/maxillas aren’t small because of mouth breathing. mouth breathing is caused by jaw/palates being small.

The concept of “mewing” doesn’t exist n***a. How are you going to not mouth breath if you don’t have space in your airways for genetic (or diet) reasons????

jfl at this section bro, only discovered that ts existed today pmo pmo fr
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“swimmers have big shoulders, so swimming is good for training shoulders and me gonna be big uga buga” ahhh take. Olympic swimmers are professional swimmers because they have big/good shoulders genetically (frame + shoulder/waist ratio + lats). this cause/effect shit is completely reversed on tiktok
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maybe in early development but it’s impossible to prove how much % genetics plays the role.
Twin studies innit. They had one twin who was allergic to gerbels and had one as a pet regardless. He had a blocked nose and thus had to mouthbreath. His face looked fucked from it, while his twin brother looked normal
Twin studies innit. They had one twin who was allergic to gerbels and had one as a pet regardless. He had a blocked nose and thus had to mouthbreath. His face looked fucked from it, while his twin brother looked normal
View attachment 71296
show me that link.
anyways, I believe mewing plays a role, but when you are like 5y

but people are already reaching to the conclusion that the twin is normal because of mewing and not the conclusion that the other twin developed a smaller airway to “protect” himself from that allergy.
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show me that link.
Cant find the original study
anyways, I believe mewing plays a role, but when you are like 5y
but people are already reaching to the conclusion that the twin is normal because of mewing and not the conclusion that the other twin developed a smaller airway to protect himself from that allergy.
People dont develop smaller Airways to defend themselves from an allergy mane. A smaller airway is more prone to the negative effects of an allergy than a big one
People dont develop smaller Airways to defend themselves from an allergy mane. A smaller airway is more prone to the negative effects of an allergy than a big one
when I said “protect” I was saying to not breath as much air in that house because it contamines a substance that prejudices him.

Anyways, those studies can be correct and mewing can have an effect, but only in early development and there’s way more important things, like genetics, diet and orthodontic treatment
Mewing takes like 5 secs to do n***a its not some miracle method. Its proper tongue posture. U were prob fooled into thinking its gonna give u some chad facial structure lol. And now ur angie :kekw:
jaws/palates/maxillas aren’t small because of mouth breathing. mouth breathing is caused by jaw/palates being small.

The concept of “mewing” doesn’t exist n***a. How are you going to not mouth breath if you don’t have space in your airways for genetic (or diet) reasons????

jfl at this section bro, only discovered that ts existed today pmo pmo fr
True, and mirin at ur iq, but there is still a way to fix this issue naturally by getting enough nutrients
mewing is important for proper facil development in your younger years older it is still proper tounge posture and if your doing it correctly it should not really lead to any drastic deformity in the same way it wont lead to drastic change past the age of 15-16
jaws/palates/maxillas aren’t small because of mouth breathing. mouth breathing is caused by jaw/palates being small.

The concept of “mewing” doesn’t exist n***a. How are you going to not mouth breath if you don’t have space in your airways for genetic (or diet) reasons????

jfl at this section bro, only discovered that ts existed today pmo pmo fr
Good thread