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Discussion Modern Poisons

ultra processed foods.
people literally call them ‘pre digested’ due to how extremely processed they are. that is NOT natural, we are meant to break things down.
also fast foods, literally covered in sodium and sugar to get everyone addicted.
water pollution
air pollution
sky pollution
pollution in general
cramped and diseased farms
hormones injected into animals and in foods and waters
processed foods
chemical additives
mental masturbation
sedentary lifestyle
social media
short attention span
workplace environment/culture, also school
violence, social issues
sexual immorality
ignorance, delusion
jealousy, comparison to others
body dysmorphia or lack of care for one's self
lack of socialization and meaningful relationships
AI, lack of thinking and creativity skills and effort due to it
laziness and procrastination
oversharing of personal things
normalization of bad things
healthcare issues
shit education
abortion (as in those caused by hypersexuality)
jews and muslims
Over for me
its ok, my grandfather was homeless and starving most of his childhood, and managed to live in a small house built by the government because his father was a soldier
he studied hard and would travel very far to go to school. he became a famous professor and gained money. he came a long way to buy a very large apartment to raise my father and his other kids and their financial situation became better.
i believe in you, you do not have to be stuck in a slum forever
This passage describes what is wrong with us. Romans 3:11-18
[11] There is none that understandeth, There is none that seeketh after God. [12] They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; There is none that doeth good, no, not one. [13] Their throat is an open sepulchre; With their tongues they have used deceit; The poison of asps is under their lips: [14] Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: [15] Their feet are swift to shed blood: [16] Destruction and misery are in their ways: [17] And the way of peace have they not known: [18] There is no fear of God before their eyes
its ok, my grandfather was homeless and starving most of his childhood, and managed to live in a small house built by the government because his father was a soldier
he studied hard and would travel very far to go to school. he became a famous professor and gained money. he came a long way to buy a very large apartment to raise my father and his other kids and their financial situation became better.
i believe in you, you do not have to be stuck in a slum forever
Lifefuel sigma I will be looking for a job after highschool and move my mother to a better place
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  • #20
water pollution
air pollution
sky pollution
pollution in general
cramped and diseased farms
hormones injected into animals and in foods and waters
processed foods
chemical additives
mental masturbation
sedentary lifestyle
social media
short attention span
workplace environment/culture, also school
violence, social issues
sexual immorality
ignorance, delusion
jealousy, comparison to others
body dysmorphia or lack of care for one's self
lack of socialization and meaningful relationships
AI, lack of thinking and creativity skills and effort due to it
laziness and procrastination
oversharing of personal things
normalization of bad things
healthcare issues
shit education
abortion (as in those caused by hypersexuality)
jews and muslims
Good list
Xenoestrogens and EDCs, processed junk that is bad for digestion, microplastics, bad concentration of metals in your local water.

These things however don't impact much unless you are really irresponsible with the way you live and the way you maintain your living space and daily activities.

As for microplastics in water and heavy metals, get a RO filter and maintain it well.
what things and ideas are poisoning us nowadays?

Could be diet, radiation, anything.
Food wise aeed oils, artificial dyes, corn syrup, artificial flavoring, the chlorine and flouride in our water supply, anything processed really. I would say other than that the BPA in receipts and emf radio from things like phones and Bluetooth headphones
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  • #23
Xenoestrogens and EDCs, processed junk that is bad for digestion, microplastics, bad concentration of metals in your local water.

These things however don't impact much unless you are really irresponsible with the way you live and the way you maintain your living space and daily activities.

As for microplastics in water and heavy metals, get a RO filter and maintain it well.
They impact a lot idk what you mean. Maybe not looks but health fs
They impact a lot idk what you mean. Maybe not looks but health fs
I mean that stuff like microplastics and EDCs you can't really avoid in this day and age.

But if you were to maintain YOUR OWN living space and daily habits well, chances are it won't really affect you that much from outside sources ( walking past and breathing in someone's perfume, eating out where the chef may have used a plastic cutting board etc. )
@sigma I'm still banned, my name just doesn't have a strikethrough for some reason.

It's actually really annoying because people are tagging me and I can't respond, I don't like leaving people on read.
@sigma I'm still banned, my name just doesn't have a strikethrough for some reason.

It's actually really annoying because people are tagging me and I can't respond, I don't like leaving people on read.
when will you be unbanned?
when will you be unbanned?
When I request for one

I plan to continue posting on .is for a while

I'm done with looksmaxxing and I am slowly finding less motivation to be in the space.
