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More Nose Filler Update


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Been about 31 hours since I got it. Honestly it’s super lighting dependent which is like most facial features. In some lighting you can tell an obvious difference and in others you can’t. Overall I’m fine with it, do wish they took a bit more nasal bridge off but the swelling still isn’t close to done and I’m probably gonna get more filler in like 6-8 months. Pretty good honestly though, I don’t think it increases my PSL by *that* much, but I definitely do look a bit less ethnic which is so clutch. Eventually I’ll get light brown eye contacts and dye my hair brown to hopefully be a lot more white passing. Also I’m really liking this new leanmax diet i’m on, no longer starve maxxing. I’m feeling a lot better on push-ups and have been improving everyday and I’m still seeing solid results from leanmaxxing. Overall, life is great 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Also for reference, I’m only 16 and my dad is super homophobic so pretty much any whitemaxxing or prettyboymaxxing I do is completely out the picture because he would never let me. Unfortunately I’ll have to wait until I’m like 20 and can move out so I’ll be stuck with this shitty dark hair and T50 eyes and won’t be able to eyelash maxx or skin maxx or anything like that.
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  • #3
When do you think you will start dating and stuff? After you do allat or when you finish leanmaxx
Bro my biggest fear is having sex and being fat. Imagine taking off your shirt and your girl sees a bunch of love handles and rolls 🤢 there’s no way in hell I attempt to talk to a girl until I’m sub 20% body fat. But ya probably leanmaxx I think. Should take 6 months at most.
Bro my biggest fear is having sex and being fat. Imagine taking off your shirt and your girl sees a bunch of love handles and rolls 🤢 there’s no way in hell I attempt to talk to a girl until I’m sub 20% body fat. But ya probably leanmaxx I think. Should take 6 months at most.
hats the goal weight?
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  • #5

hats the goal weight?
Legit no clue, but just whatever lean is. It’s a proccess at the end of the day. Most people say NOT to cut down to ab level lean if you’re skinny fat (let alone cut), but the biggest perosn I’ve ever met AKA orc from org did exactly just that. I think whatever is 15% body fat, maybe 150 pounds, maybe 160, I don’t know. Also I’m a mega larper because In actually 6’1.5 barefoot but I’m 6’3 with shoes on and for some reason my medical record one said 6’4. Maybe they did a typo or something. So it’s not 6’4 160 pounds you feel me. I don’t know my weight now because I binge ate at the end of the summer and that shit wouldn’t bulge so I crashed out and broke my weighing scale, but my mom will order one soon I hope.
Legit no clue, but just whatever lean is. It’s a proccess at the end of the day. Most people say NOT to cut down to ab level lean if you’re skinny fat (let alone cut), but the biggest perosn I’ve ever met AKA orc from org did exactly just that. I think whatever is 15% body fat, maybe 150 pounds, maybe 160, I don’t know. Also I’m a mega larper because In actually 6’1.5 barefoot but I’m 6’3 with shoes on and for some reason my medical record one said 6’4. Maybe they did a typo or something. So it’s not 6’4 160 pounds you feel me. I don’t know my weight now because I binge ate at the end of the summer and that shit wouldn’t bulge so I crashed out and broke my weighing scale, but my mom will order one soon I hope.
I'm lowkey gonna cut to model BMI, probably not optimal for health though
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  • #14
I'm planning to cut to leaner than I've ever been. I just want to go about it properly. Even though I am at a healthy and decent body fat percentage now, I need to see my full facial structures potential.
The only problem is that if it’s unsustainable. But if it is, and you do become a mogger, you’ll ascend extrmely hard beyond the skies.
So just a bit underweight eh.
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  • #16
I'm planning to cut to leaner than I've ever been. I just want to go about it properly. Even though I am at a healthy and decent body fat percentage now, I need to see my full facial structures potential.
I got ratio’d on my own fucking thread again, Im being owned like a slave in the 1960s. It’s over
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  • #17
Funny thing is, I've had this alias before the guy ever gained traction.
Lol, I thought his name was just “Neon” but it’s like spelt the same as yours. Unfortunate that a shit stain has to share a name with you.
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  • #31
how much calorie deficit? and ur macros percentage
ill copy
What is macros percentage? It’s usually like 35% Carbs, 25% fats, 40% protein according to the MyFitness app. Deficit is around 600-650 I wanna say. 1700-1800 calories per day and my maintenance is around 2400.
Been about 31 hours since I got it. Honestly it’s super lighting dependent which is like most facial features. In some lighting you can tell an obvious difference and in others you can’t. Overall I’m fine with it, do wish they took a bit more nasal bridge off but the swelling still isn’t close to done and I’m probably gonna get more filler in like 6-8 months. Pretty good honestly though, I don’t think it increases my PSL by *that* much, but I definitely do look a bit less ethnic which is so clutch. Eventually I’ll get light brown eye contacts and dye my hair brown to hopefully be a lot more white passing. Also I’m really liking this new leanmax diet i’m on, no longer starve maxxing. I’m feeling a lot better on push-ups and have been improving everyday and I’m still seeing solid results from leanmaxxing. Overall, life is great 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Also for reference, I’m only 16 and my dad is super homophobic so pretty much any whitemaxxing or prettyboymaxxing I do is completely out the picture because he would never let me. Unfortunately I’ll have to wait until I’m like 20 and can move out so I’ll be stuck with this shitty dark hair and T50 eyes and won’t be able to eyelash maxx or skin maxx or anything like that.
can you send a picture of just the nose post filler to see whats it is like
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  • #34
can you send a picture of just the nose post filler to see whats it is like
It’s the slightest of difference so I don’t think it’s worth posting pictures of. I’ll probably have to get another one to see more noticeable changes in my nose but it would be a waste of money IMO.

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