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More proof it’s never about NT, it’s about looking NT and having a seducing high t voice


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
A low iq schizo aspie adhd bbc pretty boy thug that wears designer, has dreads and tattoos and has a seducing voice will automatically be perceived as NT and will automatically be respected

He can do and say whatever he wants because people already know he demands respect

Looking high t and nt is the goal
true, theres this guy at my school who is a retardo fhag and generally so stupid to the point thats its concerning but everyone loves him and no one thinks hes weurd bc hes a chad
true, theres this guy at my school who is a retardo fhag and generally so stupid to the point thats its concerning but everyone loves him and no one thinks hes weurd bc hes a chad
Chad or CL? A full blown Chad that’s retardant just spawning like that is kinda wild to me.
fitxfearless is like 5'3 lmfao
and he's a looksmaxxing coach somehow
fitxfearless is like 5'3 lmfao
and he's a looksmaxxing coach somehow
His content genuinely pisses me off and I don’t even know why. It might be because it’s mainly a bunch of gymcell coping. He’s telling all of those Sub5/Low Ltn to gym max and get a haircut like they aren’t genetically fucked. Some guys there have potential but most of them need more than the gym he just lies to them damn near.
His content genuinely pisses me off and I don’t even know why. It might be because it’s mainly a bunch of gymcell coping. He’s telling all of those Sub5/Low Ltn to gym max and get a haircut like they aren’t genetically fucked. Some guys there have potential but most of them need more than the gym he just lies to them damn near.
on god he's just a grifter like every other looksmaxxing coach
His content genuinely pisses me off and I don’t even know why. It might be because it’s mainly a bunch of gymcell coping. He’s telling all of those Sub5/Low Ltn to gym max and get a haircut like they aren’t genetically fucked. Some guys there have potential but most of them need more than the gym he just lies to them damn near.
i hate fitxfearless he just uses his “coaching” as a front to get off on bullying subhumans
true, theres this guy at my school who is a retardo fhag and generally so stupid to the point thats its concerning but everyone loves him and no one thinks hes weurd bc hes a chad
They like him cause he is their entertainment, if he loses that he is gone.
