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Serious Most beautiful girl alive

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #40
Shit brows
Shit nose
Thin lips
Elf ears
Eyes look close set
women dont need overly thick eyebrows tbh

her nose is good wym

thin lips yes, shes white bro

elf ears arent a failo u can just hide it with ur hair

her chin is good? women dont need ogre chins bro

idk her esr but her eyes definitely arent close set
women dont need overly thick eyebrows tbh

her nose is good wym

thin lips yes, shes white bro

elf ears arent a failo u can just hide it with ur hair

her chin is good? women dont need ogre chins bro

idk her esr but her eyes definitely arent close set
I removed close set eyes there normal
women dont need overly thick eyebrows tbh

her nose is good wym

thin lips yes, shes white bro

elf ears arent a failo u can just hide it with ur hair

her chin is good? women dont need ogre chins bro

idk her esr but her eyes definitely arent close set
Her chin looks really small
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #44
Her chin looks really small

her chin is normal length tbh

only real failo she has is thin lips but hers arent giga thin

real failo is that shes lesbian and usually has shitty hairstyles/makeup

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