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Story MTB and her Chad boyfriend run Chadfish experiment on Hinge in NYC and creepshot 366 couples


It's so jova
Apr 18, 2024
Southwest coast of Mexico
Chapter Summaries:

  1. NYC Road Trip: Helene "creepshots" couples en route, analyzing their relationship dynamics.
  2. Couple Patterns Emerge: Helene captures couples, forming theories on mismatched attractiveness.
  3. Gen Z Pairing Observations: Helene notices power imbalances in Gen Z interracial couples.
  4. Continued Dynamics: She notes consistent attractiveness gaps, especially in interracial couples.
  5. Generational Dating Trends: Gen Z women often choose less attractive, “safe” partners.
  6. Intensified Observations: Helene criticizes each couple's attractiveness balance.
  7. Power and Control in Relationships: Helene’s theories focus on safety over attraction.
  8. More Creepshots: More mismatched couples documented.
  9. Hotel Recap with Isaac: They review creepshots, dissecting dating patterns.
  10. PimEyes Chad Search: Helene finds a low-key finance "Chad," noting his lack of influencer status.
  11. Chad Reflection: Helene concludes that low-profile Chads avoid influencer culture.
  12. Chadfish and Beckyfish Profiles: Fake profiles created to observe dating app dynamics.
  13. Profile Results: Chadfish attracts HTNs and Stacys; Beckyfish gets low MTNs.
  14. Racefraud Observations: Helene mocks South Asian men posing as Mediterraneans on dating apps.
  15. Likes Flood Overnight: Profiles gain more likes, confirming her theories on dating patterns.
  16. Pajeet Roasting Continues: Helene ruthlessly exposes fraudulent profiles.
  17. Morning Reflection: Helene and Isaac review dating app results, noting predictable trends.
  18. New Day in NYC: Helene plans more NYC creepshots to deepen her analysis.
  19. Return to Canada: They revisit creepshots, laughing at mismatched couples.
  20. Organizing Creepshots: Helene meticulously sorts photos by relationship type and attractiveness.
  21. Detailed Analysis of 366 Couples: Helene shares her extensive analysis with Isaac, reinforcing her lookism theories.

Helene and Isaac are driving down the I-87, heading toward New York City to meet up with Pablo, after all the drama surrounding his relationship with Tanya. As they near the city, the traffic thickens, and Helene’s eyes are sharp, taking in every detail of the couples walking along the sidewalks or crossing the streets. She’s not just people-watching though—she’s creepshotting couples for her own purposes, carefully collecting evidence to show Isaac later.

The Creepshot Mission: Helene’s Observations

Helene pulls out her phone and, without much fanfare, begins taking discreet photos of the people they pass. As they inch through traffic on the George Washington Bridge, her clinical mind is already analyzing each couple. The first few shots are mundane, but soon, she starts catching exactly what she was expecting: a pattern.

Couple 1: Gen Z, Looksmatched but IR

A white woman, mid-20s, HTB-tier, with straight brown hair and a trendy leather jacket, is walking hand-in-hand with a South Asian man who is low MTN at best—short, slight build, glasses, and dressed like an IT intern. They’re laughing, oblivious to the fact that Helene has just snapped a photo of them.

Helene’s Thoughts (typing in her notes):
"Another Gen Z white girl with a Pajeet. She’s clearly out of his league, but that’s how it goes now—these girls would rather date an average Pajeet than a looksmatched white guy. Control, maybe? Or just giving up on finding someone better?"

Couple 2: Gen Z, White Woman & Asian Man (WMAF)

The next couple she captures is a WMAF pairing—a blonde white woman, HTN, with an Asian man who is low MTN. They’re walking a little too close to traffic, and Helene notices how the woman keeps glancing at her phone, while the man looks completely engaged in the conversation.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Classic WMAF. She’s prettier, of course. Blonde again. Why are they always blonde when it’s WMAF? He’s low MTN—definitely below her in looks. But what else is new? The power dynamics are clear."

Couple 3: Millennial, Looksmatched but IR

Further along the highway, Helene spots a couple in their early 30s. They’re looksmatched, but the woman is white and the man is Black. They both look like they work in corporate jobs, dressed in business casual attire. The man is high MTN, and the woman is high MTB, fairly average but well put-together. They’re chatting as they walk toward a coffee shop.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Millennials, so not as extreme as Gen Z. Still IR, but at least it’s looksmatched. High MTN/MTB-level people. They’re both average at best, but at least they seem equally invested."

Couple 4: Gen Z, Hot White Woman & Fat Slob

As they stop at a light, Helene creepshots a couple that immediately catches her attention. A blonde woman, definitely Stacy-tier, with sharp features, a perfect figure, and dressed like she just stepped off Instagram, is walking next to a fat, low MTN white guy. He’s overweight, wearing a sloppy t-shirt and cargo shorts, clearly punching above his weight.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"This is what I mean. Blonde Stacy with a fat slob. Why? Because he’s a safe bet. She’s with him because she knows he’s not going anywhere. No competition, no threat of being dumped for a hotter girl. It’s so obvious—she doesn’t have to compete for him like she would for a Chad."

She makes a note to show Isaac later, knowing he’ll find it just as fascinating.

Couple 5: Older Millennial, WMAF

Another WMAF couple, this time older, late 30s or early 40s. The white man is low MTB, balding with a slight paunch, while the Asian woman is mid MTB—fairly plain, nothing remarkable about her appearance. They’re walking quietly, not interacting much.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Millennials again. The guy is uglier than the woman this time. Typical WMAF—he’s balding, low-tier, and she’s... well, she’s just there. But this is the pattern with Millennials, at least. Mostly looksmatched or racematched, except when you get the occasional uglier white guy with an Asian woman."

Couple 6: Gen Z, Looksmatched but Unremarkable

Helene captures a looksmatched Gen Z couple walking down the street. Both are mid MTN, just average looking white people—nothing noteworthy about them. They’re holding hands, laughing at something one of them said, clearly content.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Looksmatched, low MTN Gen Z couple. They’re average, unremarkable, but at least they’re in the same league. Probably no drama here—just a couple of normies doing normie things. No threats or weird dynamics."

Couple 7: Hot Woman with Low-Tier Latino

The next couple she catches is another striking one. A white woman, HTB-level, tall and slim with flowing brunette hair, is walking next to a low MTN Latino man. He’s shorter, a bit stocky, and doesn’t seem to care about his appearance nearly as much as she does. They’re talking, but Helene can tell the power dynamic is skewed.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"This woman is clearly HTB, and she’s dating some low-tier Latino guy. Why? Again, because he’s safe. He’s not a threat. She can control this dynamic, and she knows she doesn’t have to compete for him the way she would if he were a Chad."

Couple 8: Older Millennial, White & White, Looksmatched

An older couple, late 30s, both white and looksmatched, walks past as Helene zooms in for a photo. The man is mid MTN, a bit scruffy, with a slight beer belly, while the woman is mid MTB, equally average. They’re chatting animatedly, comfortable in their matched mediocrity.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Millennials again. Looksmatched. No drama here—just a couple of average white people, both mid-tier. It’s nice to see, honestly, compared to the trainwreck that is Gen Z."

Couple 9: Chadlite with an Average White Woman

Helene suddenly spots something more unusual. A Chadlite—tall, broad-shouldered, with sharp facial features and the perfect hairline—is walking with a mid MTB white woman. She’s fairly average, with a round face and soft features, wearing unremarkable clothing.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Now this is interesting. Chadlite with an average woman. She’s not ugly, but he’s clearly out of her league. This must be one of those situations where he’s keeping her around because she’s loyal, probably easy to control. He’s not committing to someone hotter because that would mean competition. But still... a weird dynamic for sure."

Final Observation: One More Chad

Finally, Helene spots another Chad, this time a full Chadperfect bone structure, clear skin, and athletic build. He’s walking alone, earbuds in, minding his own business. Helene quickly snaps a photo for her collection, not missing the opportunity to document one of the rare Chads in the wild.

Helene’s Thoughts:
"Finally, a full Chad. Walking alone, as expected. He’s probably just enjoying his options, not tied down to anyone. Why would he be? A guy like that doesn’t settle unless it’s for another top 0.1% face. Still, I’ll show this to Isaac later."

Helene and Isaac’s Discussion: The Creepshot Recap

Later, once they’ve parked and settled into their hotel, Helene starts going through her creepshots with Isaac. She shows him the patterns she’s been observing: the looksmatched couples, the hot women with low-tier men, and the interracial dynamics that seem to skew toward women being with men who are objectively less attractive.

Isaac, intrigued but not surprised, nods along.

“So basically, Gen Z women are either going for fat slobs, Pajeets, or some kind of safe option?”

Helene smirks, clearly satisfied with her analysis.

“Exactly. It’s all about control and avoiding competition. They’d rather settle for a guy they can dominate than risk being with a Chad who might cheat or trade up. And the few times you see a Chadlite with an average girl, it’s because he knows she’s safe. She’s not a threat to his freedom or his options.”

Isaac laughs, shaking his head.

“Man, it’s messed up when you put it that way, but it makes sense. It’s like the dating market’s turned into this weird game of avoiding competition at all costs.”

Helene, satisfied that her creepshot mission has made its point, closes her phone with a grin.

“Exactly. And the more I see it, the more I realize that most people are just trying to find a way to avoid being vulnerable. It’s pathetic, but hey, at least we’re out here calling it what it is.”

And with that, they prepare to meet Pablo, knowing they’ll have even more to talk about after everything Helene has documented.

Once they’ve settled in and Helene finishes going over her creepshots with Isaac, she decides to take things a step further. Pimeyes—the face recognition search engine—is her next move. She’s particularly intrigued by the full Chad she captured earlier, the one walking alone with the perfect bone structure and athletic build. Helene, always the strategist and investigator, wants to know if he’s someone she should keep an eye on—or if he's already known in the public sphere.

Running the Chad Through Pimeyes

Helene uploads the photo of the Chad into Pimeyes and watches as the system processes the image. The loading icon spins for a moment, and then the results begin to populate.

Pimeyes Results:

  • First result: A few photos of the guy in various athletic gear, posted on some fitness websites. Seems like he’s done some modeling for a local sports brand.
  • Second result: A LinkedIn profile—he works in finance at some mid-tier firm in New York, nothing too flashy, but respectable. It’s clear that his day job is in a corporate environment.
  • Third result: A couple of tagged photos from Instagram, where he’s hanging out at high-end gyms and some rooftop events. No huge social media presence, but he’s clearly part of a circle that includes some high-status people—a few minor influencers, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts.

Helene’s Reaction: Mild Surprise but No Shock

Helene leans back, crossing her arms with a look of mild satisfaction on her face.

“Figures. He’s not famous, but he’s clearly running in the same circles as people who are. I thought I might see some modeling agency links, but it looks like he’s a finance bro who just happens to have Chad-tier looks. Not surprising though—guys like him don’t need to be influencers or famous. Their looks and network do the talking.”

Isaac nods, looking over at her screen.

“Finance and a little modeling on the side, huh? No big social media footprint though. You think he’s flying under the radar on purpose?”

Helene shrugs.

“Maybe. Some of these guys don’t need or want the attention. He’s probably using his looks to get into all the right places, but he’s not thirsty for clout. That’s what makes him interesting—he’s just naturally Chad-level without needing the online validation.”

Isaac chuckles.

“That’s rare. Usually, guys like that are all over IG trying to rack up followers.”

“Exactly. That’s why I ran him through Pimeyes—wanted to see if he’s trying to be one of those guys, but it looks like he’s just living his life. Still, he’s probably swimming in options.”

Helene closes the browser window, but she’s not surprised that the Chad she spotted wasn’t some famous influencer. In fact, it almost makes sense to her that he’s more low-key. Chad-tier men, in her mind, often don’t need to flaunt their status. Their presence speaks for itself.

Helene’s Final Thoughts

Before logging off, Helene jots down a few notes on the Chad she found. The fact that he’s not an influencer but still moves in high-status circles reinforces her belief that looks and network are far more important than having a big online presence—especially for men like him.

“These are the guys women chase, but they’re so rare. A guy like that could have anyone, but he’s not playing the influencer game. Just another reminder that most women are stuck with low-tier guys because they don’t even know how to approach someone like him.”

She closes her laptop, still processing how the dating dynamics of men like this Chad are so different from the average guy.

Helene and Isaac are feeling mischievous, so they decide to run a little social experiment. They set up two fake Hinge profiles: one for a Chadfish and one for a Beckyfish, a mid-tier normie woman who is definitely not Helene in looks.

Helene's goal? To scope out the competition and see how people respond to fabricated profiles of high-status men and women. Isaac is game, curious to see how different the dating dynamics play out when the profiles don’t reflect their real selves.

Setting Up the Profiles

  1. Chadfish Profile: "Ethan"
    • Pictures: They find some random photos of a Chad-tier guy—tall, sharp features, clear skin, and a lean muscular build. Perfectly styled hair, no tattoos, and a casual but expensive look.
    • Bio: Something vague but confident.
      “Just moved to the city. Love the outdoors, staying fit, and good conversation. Looking for someone who knows what they want.”
    • Job: Listed as Investment Banker at some generic finance firm.
    • Height: 6’2” (of course).
  2. Beckyfish Profile: "Rachel"
    • Pictures: They choose photos of a mid-tier normie (MTB) woman—basic features, not particularly striking but passable. No heavy makeup or filters. She has shoulder-length brown hair, slightly chubby cheeks, a soft smile, and wears simple outfits (jeans, t-shirt, maybe a casual dress).
    • Bio:
      “Big fan of long walks, good books, and brunch. Let’s see what this city has to offer!”
    • Job: Marketing Coordinator at a vague, small company.
    • Height: 5'5".

Chadfish Experience: "Ethan"

Helene knows Ethan is going to get a lot of attention, but she’s curious about the types of women he matches with. She refreshes the profile right after making it, and in minutes, the likes start flooding in.

Standouts and Roses for Chadfish:

  • First standout: A HTN blonde woman, profile name Emily. She’s clearly influencer-adjacent—her pictures are perfectly curated, with the golden-hour lighting, beach shots, and active lifestyle photos.
  • Helene’s analysis: "Obviously FaceApp. Her jawline is too sharp compared to her body. Hair slightly distorts near her forehead—classic filter artifact. Isaac, you seeing this? Total morph fraud."
  • Second standout: Stacy-tier brunette named Vanessa, posing in a yoga outfit. She looks naturally pretty, but Helene points out the too-perfect symmetry in the photos.
    “She’s definitely morphing. No one’s face is that symmetrical without some kind of help. And look, her hairline in this one? Distorted. It's been smoothed out too much.”
Helene and Isaac decide to not waste a rose on any of these, though Helene enjoys breaking down the fraudulence of each standout.

Likes for Chadfish:

Within the first 15 minutes, Ethan’s profile racks up 50+ likes, mostly from:

  • HTN and MTN women: About 60% are mid-tier normies (MTB), and the other 40% are HTN, women in the top 10% of looks. Most of them have curated, filtered photos, gym selfies, and some have Instagram-model vibes.
  • A few Stacys: The women who look like Instagram influencers and seem hyper-aware of their looks, blonde and brunette, usually with a lot of effort put into their photos.
Helene laughs as she scrolls through the MTB women in the likes, commenting on how these women probably assume they’re playing in Ethan’s league but are outclassed by the HTN and Stacy girls.

"They’re all hoping for a Chad like this, but you know what’s funny? He’s never going to commit to any of them unless they’re Stacy-tier."

Matches for Chadfish:

  • Emily (HTN standout): She matches with "Ethan" and sends a generic opening line. Helene is unimpressed:
    “See, no substance. She just throws out a lazy ‘Hey, what’s up?’ She’s not even trying because she knows her looks are enough. Zero effort.”
  • Mid-tier normies (MTN): A few mid-tier women send more enthusiastic messages. One even writes,
    “Hey, you look like someone who knows how to have a good time! Wanna grab drinks?”
    Helene scoffs.
    “Standard. They know they’re out of his league but trying to lock him down with enthusiasm. They probably think personality will save them. It won’t.”

Beckyfish Experience: "Rachel"

Isaac's profile, Rachel, is set up as a Beckyfish—a mid-tier normie woman, not unattractive but not particularly remarkable either. The results are immediate and predictable.

Likes for Beckyfish:

Within 10 minutes, Rachel has 99+ likes and counting. Most of the men who liked her are low MTN to mid MTN, with a few LTNs scattered in there. Low-tier normies (LTN) tend to be:

  • Average or below-average looks.
  • Generic bios with hobbies like gaming, hiking, or music.
  • Profiles of men who look socially awkward or poorly groomed.

Standouts and Roses for Beckyfish:

  • First standout: A Chadlite, named Lorenzo, with sharp features and a perfect gym selfie. Helene immediately narrows her eyes at the name.
    Helene’s analysis:
    Lorenzo? Sounds suspicious. A lot of Pajeet LARPers like to use names like that to race-fraud their way into dates with white girls. Bhai, saar, I’m not buying it.”
    Isaac chuckles at her paranoia but skips giving Lorenzo a rose.
  • Second standout: A high HTN guy, named Sam, who looks like a male model in his profile pics.
    “See? Another one. I bet half of these are running on FaceApp or some other morphing trick. Look at the jawline—no one’s jaw naturally looks that sharp unless they’re modeling or on HGH. It's insane how many fraudsters are in here.”
Again, they decide not to waste any roses, preferring to keep the experiment rolling without investing in standouts.

Matches for Beckyfish:

  • The majority of the matches are low to mid MTNmen:
    • Average guys with awkward smiles, some gym photos but nothing too polished.
    • Messages come pouring in, with basic lines like “Hey, how’s it going?” or “You’re really cute!”
    • Isaac scrolls through them, noting how generic they are.
  • A low-tier Chadlite, Nestor, matches with Rachel and sends a slightly more interesting message:
    “Hey Rachel, I see you’re into books. I’ve been looking for someone to recommend me something interesting—what’s your favorite right now?”
Helene’s Thoughts:
"See, this guy is probably at the lower end of Chadlite—he’s got the looks, but he’s still putting in some effort because he knows he’s not a full Chad. But honestly? Even he won’t stick around for a Becky. He’ll move on once he gets bored."

The Creepshot-Analysis Cycle Continues

As they scroll through the matches and likes, Helene remains analytical—her eyes constantly scanning for signs of morphing, fraud, or anything else suspicious. She’s entertained but unsurprised by the social dynamics they’ve uncovered.

"It’s fascinating. Even on apps, you see the same patterns over and over. Chadlite profiles get flooded with attention from MTNs and HTNs, while Beckies get overwhelmed with low-tier men throwing out desperate lines. And the standouts? They’re mostly morphing frauds.”

Conclusion: The Data Speaks

By the end of the experiment, both Helene and Isaac have learned a lot:

  • Chadfish Ethan gets flooded with attention from women who are either HTN or desperate MTNs looking to snag a high-status guy.
  • Beckyfish Rachel gets a ton of likes but mostly from low MTN to LTN men who are trying their luck with an average girl, while Chadlite Nestor provides the most interesting interaction.
Helene closes the app with a smirk, feeling more vindicated in her theories about the dating market.

"See? It’s all about looks and status. Nothing’s changed, except now we can see just how much fraud and desperation is out there. Even Isaac, you can’t deny this experiment shows exactly how these dating app dynamics work."

Isaac chuckles, agreeing with her.

Helene and Isaac finally wrap up their experiment for the night, tidying up the apartment before heading to bed. As they prepare to crash, they take a quick look at their Hinge profiles.

The Final Likes Count Before Bed

  • Chadfish Ethan: By the time they’re ready to turn in, Ethan’s profile has racked up another 75 likes, bringing the total to around 125+ likes. The majority of the new likes come from HTN and MTN women, with a few Stacy-tier women thrown in. It’s clear the Chadfish experiment is a massive success in terms of attention.
  • Beckyfish Rachel: Rachel’s profile, predictably, skyrockets with 99+ likes—the overflow is now pushing well beyond 150 likes. Most of them are from low MTN and LTN men, desperate for a shot with even an average woman.
Isaac, feeling content with the data, is ready to pass out. Helene, however, is buzzing with excitement—the night’s experiment has stirred up too many thoughts in her mind to sleep peacefully. She turns over in bed, her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling.

Helene Can’t Sleep: More Creepshots and Convos with Suspicious “Lorenzos”

With Isaac already half-asleep beside her, Helene grabs her phone again, her mind racing. She opens the Hinge app and notices something immediately odd: there are multiple profiles with the name “Lorenzo”. But the phenotypes and ethnicities associated with the name seem suspicious. These "Lorenzos" are supposed to look like Mediterranean or Latin men, but a lot of them seem off—skull shape, skin tone, and general aesthetic don’t match up.

Helene’s suspicions are confirmed.
She can tell some of these "Lorenzos" are Pajeet LARPers—men from South Asia trying to pass off as Latin or Italian in hopes of slipping through the radar.

Helene, not one to let this slide, decides to have fun with it. She starts opening chats with these suspected Pajeet LARPers, greeting them with a string of hilarious and un-PC remarks.

Helene’s Convo with the First "Lorenzo"

The first Lorenzo has a profile picture that is clearly off. The jawline is blurred, and his skin tone looks too light for his facial features.

Helene (typing):
"Bhai, you can’t fool me with this. Are you from the Ganges? Or should I call you saar? Jai Hind, dalit bhai!"

The response comes quickly, and Helene smirks. She’s clearly hit the mark.

Lorenzo (typing):
"Hi beautiful, what’s up?"

Helene (thinking): This guy isn’t even trying.
She decides to press him further.

"I know you’re racefrauding, don’t pretend. Your name is Lorenzo? Really? Tell me, what part of Mumbai is that from?"

The chat goes silent for a minute. Helene laughs to herself, pleased with how easily she’s dismantling these profiles.

More “Lorenzos” and the Night Goes On

Helene can’t stop now. She finds two more Lorenzos and decides to keep poking fun at their suspicious ethnic mismatches.

  • Lorenzo #2: His photos are so heavily filtered that Helene can’t even tell what his real skin tone is. The hair looks artificial, and there’s a faint blur around his jawline. She suspects another morph fraud.
    Helene (typing):
    “You think you can fool me with these photos, bhai? Is that a FaceApp special? Jai Hind! Show me your real face, brother.”
    The response is typical—just a bland opener about wanting to chat, but Helene knows this "Lorenzo" is likely some Pajeet trying to sneak in under the radar.
  • Lorenzo #3: This one’s profile is filled with overly edited gym selfies, but his phenotype doesn’t match the Italian name. Helene sees it right away.
    Helene (typing):
    “Another Lorenzo? How many of you guys are out here pretending to be Mediterranean? You look more like a Bangalore special. Gonna take a dip in the Ganges later?”
By now, Helene’s laughing quietly to herself as Isaac snores beside her. She’s thoroughly enjoying the fact that these men are trying and failing to deceive her.

Isaac Wakes Up: A Quick Recap

Isaac stirs, waking up slightly from the noise of Helene tapping away at her phone. He groggily asks what she’s doing.

Isaac (sleepy):
“Helene, what are you doing? It’s late.”

Helene (giggling):
“I couldn’t sleep. These fake Lorenzos keep popping up, trying to pass off as Mediterranean. I’ve been calling them out. One of them just stopped responding when I hit him with a Jai Hind.”

Isaac chuckles and turns over, used to Helene’s autistic analysis of dating dynamics and her penchant for calling out fraudsters. He knows this kind of thing excites her, and he can’t help but find it amusing.

The Night Ends: Helene Satisfied, Isaac Back to Sleep

As the night drags on, Helene finally feels the excitement wearing off. She closes her phone, satisfied with her takedown of the Pajeet LARPers and the sheer number of matches they’ve racked up between the two fake profiles.

Helene quietly notes the results in her mind:

  • Chadfish Ethan pulled in a mix of HTN women and a few Stacy-tier matches, but nothing surprising. The quality of likes was predictably high.
  • Beckyfish Rachel got inundated with low MTN and LTN men, desperate to grab any attention from an average woman. Nothing new here either.
  • The “Lorenzos”? Obvious Pajeet frauds. Helene feels a smug sense of victory in calling them out with her un-PC humor.
Helene finally slips under the covers, feeling victorious and ready for tomorrow. Isaac’s already back to sleep, blissfully unaware that Helene’s mind is still buzzing with the night’s discoveries. But for now, at least, the experiment is over—until tomorrow brings more hilarity to analyze.

Helene and Isaac wake up the next morning, groggy but excited to check their phones and see how their Hinge experiment played out overnight. The first thing they both do is grab their phones from the bedside table and unlock them. They’re met with a flood of notifications, and Helene grins as she scrolls through.

Exact Number of Likes and Matches

  • Chadfish Ethan:
    • Likes: The profile has hit over 200+ likes overnight. The steady stream of attention doesn’t surprise Helene, but it’s still impressive.
    • Matches: Ethan now has 30 matches, many of whom are HTN women, with a few Stacy-tier matches sprinkled in. The highest quality match is a woman named Melissa, a Stacy-lite brunette with high cheekbones, piercing eyes, and an effortlessly chic look.
      The worst-looking match is Tina, an MTN-tier woman with grainy photos, showing obvious signs of FaceApp morphing—unnatural jawlines, weird hair edges, and poor filter application.
  • Beckyfish Rachel:
    • Likes: Rachel’s profile, predictably, skyrocketed to 350+ likes, most of them from low MTN and LTN men, with a few mid-tier thrown in. Helene rolls her eyes at the sheer volume.
    • Matches: Rachel has 45 matches, ranging from low-tier normies (LTNs) to mid-tier normies (MTNs). The best-looking match is Nestor, a Chadlite who sent a thoughtful message about books the night before. The worst-looking match is Barry, an LTN with greasy hair and an awkward selfie, clearly punching above his weight with Rachel.

Messages and Conversations

Helene opens up the messages and begins reading some aloud to Isaac, who’s still waking up but clearly amused.

Messages to Chadfish Ethan:​

  • Melissa (HTN):
    “Hey Ethan! I saw that you like the outdoors—me too! Ever been hiking at Bear Mountain?”
    Helene shakes her head at the generic opener, unimpressed by Melissa’s lack of effort.
    Helene: “She’s Stacy-lite, but that’s the best she’s got? I guess she thinks her looks will do all the work.”
  • Tina (MTN/FaceApp fraud):
    “Wow, you’re so handsome! I bet you get that all the time.”
    Helene scoffs, rolling her eyes.
    Helene: “Typical. She’s probably still using that FaceApp morph to fish for compliments. Pathetic.”
  • Random HTN blonde (Sara):
    “Hey Ethan, let’s grab coffee sometime soon!”
    Helene clicks through Sara’s profile, noting the heavily filtered photos.
    Helene: “She’s alright, but definitely morphing. Her hair distorts a little too much at the edges in every pic.”

Messages to Beckyfish Rachel:​

  • Nestor (Chadlite):
    “Hey Rachel, I loved your profile! You seem really down-to-earth. What’s your favorite book of all time?”
    Helene pauses, raising an eyebrow.
    Helene: “Okay, Nestor’s actually trying. He’s Chadlite and putting in effort. That’s rare—he must think Rachel is more interesting than she is.”*
  • Barry (LTN):
    “You’re super cute. Want to grab drinks sometime?”
    Helene doesn’t even bother responding to this one.
    Helene: “This guy looks like he’s barely functioning. Why do they even try? It’s like these guys think being persistent is enough to get a date.”

The “Lorenzos”

Now it’s time for the best part—the "Lorenzo" messages. Helene eagerly opens up the chats she started with the suspicious Lorenzos the night before. Sure enough, they didn’t disappoint.

  • Lorenzo #1:
    “I don’t know what you mean, haha. I’m just a normal guy!”
    Helene bursts out laughing, clearly enjoying the attempt at innocence.
    Helene: “He’s still pretending! Bhai, you’re not fooling anyone. Just admit you’re race-frauding. I’m not buying it.”
  • Lorenzo #2:
    “What’s a dalit? You’re funny.”
    Helene shakes her head, half-amused, half-disgusted.
    Helene: “This one doesn’t even know what a dalit is, and he’s trying to pretend he’s Italian. What a joke.”
  • Lorenzo #3:
    “I’m from Argentina, actually, lol.”
    Helene isn’t convinced. She pulls up his profile again and analyzes his pictures.
    Helene: “Argentina, huh? Well, your skin tone and skull shape say otherwise, bhai. Definitely not Mediterranean. These Pajeet LARPers really think they can pass, huh?”

Overall Analysis

Helene looks over at Isaac, smirking as she scrolls through the matches.

“See, this is exactly what I expected. The Chadfish gets flooded with HTN and Stacy-tier women, and Rachel is getting a ton of likes from low-tier guys who are just shooting their shot. The Lorenzos are race-frauding like I thought. What a circus.”

Isaac, now fully awake, chuckles as he looks through his own matches on Rachel’s profile.

“Yeah, the quality here is pretty rough. It’s crazy how different the game is depending on your looks and gender. And those ‘Lorenzos’? You called it.”

Helene, satisfied with the results, closes the app for now. But the night’s experiment has left her with plenty of material to think about—and she’s already mentally preparing her next move in their ongoing analysis of the dating market.

Helene, fully energized by her initial foray into roasting the Lorenzos and analyzing the matches, goes full 4chan mode on the rest of the Beckyfish matches. She’s in her element now, pulling no punches and diving deeper into the racefraud and morphing she’s identified in her likes and messages.

Roasting the Lorenzos: Brutal and Un-PC​

Helene starts with the most suspicious profiles. Each “Lorenzo” is subjected to her sharp, brutally un-PC commentary.

Lorenzo #1: "Lorenzo in Goa"

She starts typing, a wicked grin on her face as she jabs at the fake identity.

Helene (typing):
"Lorenzo? In Goa? Really? Let’s not kid ourselves, bhai. I can spot a Pajeet racefraud from miles away. Your skull shape is pure gracile Indid. Get real."

The response is predictable—a half-hearted attempt at defense.

"Haha, I don’t know what you mean. I’m totally from Italy."

Helene is having none of it.

"Oh sure, Lorenzo in Mumbai! Med recognizes med, and I can tell you’re not even close. You’ve got that Veddoid look. You’re basically Hrithik Roshan’s long-lost cousin, but without the star power."

Isaac is chuckling beside her, reading over her shoulder as she obliterates these poor attempts at race-fraud.

Lorenzo #2: "Argentina Fraud"

Next up is Lorenzo from Argentina—except Helene’s not buying it for a second.

Helene (typing):
"Argentina, huh? Sure. Ravi from Mumbai more like it. Your skull screams gracile Indid, not Mediterranean. You’re not fooling anyone here, saar."

Isaac raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed with how far Helene is taking this. He knows her savage commentary well, but she’s in top form today.

Lorenzo #3: "Med in Mumbai"

She switches to yet another “Lorenzo,” but this time she’s even more direct.

Helene (typing):
"Let’s be real—there’s no Lorenzo in Mumbai. Your phenotypes are screaming Veddoid, and your profile pics are doing all kinds of morphing magic. Meds can spot other meds, and you’re not one. Just admit it already!"

Helene is practically laughing as she types, fully indulging in the 4chan-tier roasts she’s known for. The poor "Lorenzo" doesn’t even know how to respond.

Throwing in a Roshan Reference

She ends her spree of roasts by referencing Hrithik Roshan again.

"Honestly, if I wanted to find someone who looked like Hrithik Roshan—but worse—I’d just search Mumbai FaceApp filters. Try harder, bhai."

Moving to Chadlite Matches

After roasting the Lorenzos, Helene moves on to the Chadlite matches in Rachel’s profile. These guys are decent looking, but not quite full Chads. She’s curious to see how they approach the conversation.

  • Chadlite #1 (Nestor):
    He’s still trying to impress with his love for books, and Helene reads his message aloud.
    “I just finished reading ‘The Alchemist,’ and it really made me think about my journey in life. What’s your favorite book?”
    “Ah, he’s trying to pull the philosophical card. Cute. But I bet he’s just trying to sound deep to get in Rachel’s good graces.”
  • Chadlite #2 (Isaac 2.0):
    Another Chadlite, who’s clearly a gym bro, sends a message:
    “Hey, I love your smile. You seem like the type who stays active. Want to go hiking sometime?”
    “Gym bros are predictable. He’s trying to set up a physical activity date, probably to show off his muscles. Not bad, but definitely Chadlite behavior.”

The 10 New Standouts (Chadfish and Beckyfish)

Chadfish Ethan’s New Standouts:

  1. Emily (HTN): Another blonde with perfect gym selfies, this one has clearly used filters to enhance her look. Helene rolls her eyes.
    “Another one who’s morphing her jawline. What’s new?”
  2. Vanessa (Stacy): A brunette with a model-esque look, Vanessa has flawless photos.
    “She’s probably a real deal Stacy, but still, the filters are working overtime.”
  3. Rachel (HTN): Another HTN, with beach photos and sunsets, but Helene is more focused on the distortion around the edges of her hair.
    “More FaceApp tricks. The way the light hits her hair? Total fraud.”
  4. Ava (Stacy-lite): A woman with sharp features and a sultry pose.
    “Probably thinks she can snag a Chadfish, but she’s Stacy-lite at best.”
  5. Clara (HTN): A woman who looks like she just stepped out of a yoga class, all organic food and “spirituality.”
    “Yup, the ‘I’m zen and hot’ archetype.”

Beckyfish Rachel’s New Standouts:

  1. Jason (MTN): A decent-looking guy, gym-goer but with a slightly awkward smile.
    “Low effort, but at least he’s not racefrauding.”
  2. Lorenzo #4 (Suspicious): Another Lorenzo, and Helene is immediately suspicious.
    “This is getting ridiculous. He’s Pajeeting hard. Look at those filtered biceps.”
  3. Daniel (MTN): A middle-tier guy, outdoorsy, and wearing plaid shirts in every pic.
    “Classic normie, nothing special here.”
  4. Victor (MTN): A bearded guy with tattoos and a motorcycle.
    “Trying to look edgy, but it’s not working. Beard’s covering up some weak facial structure.”
  5. Leo (Chadlite): One of the better-looking standouts, Leo’s got the Chadlite jawline, but Helene notices some slight morphing in his last photo.
    “Could be real, but something’s off about the last pic. His jawline doesn’t add up.”

Helene and Isaac Switch Phones:

At this point, Helene asks Isaac to swap phones so they can both analyze each other's matches and messages. Isaac, amused, hands over Chadfish Ethan, while Helene gives him Beckyfish Rachel to scrutinize.

  • Isaac’s Analysis (on Chadfish Ethan):
    Isaac chuckles as he scrolls through the matches and reads some of the Stacy-tier women’s messages.
    “These women aren’t trying very hard, are they? It’s like they think their looks alone will get them a date.”
  • Helene’s Analysis (on Beckyfish Rachel):
    Meanwhile, Helene is still roasting the Lorenzos on Rachel’s profile.
    “Look at this one, ‘Lorenzo from Argentina.’ Bet he’s got a Mumbai accent waiting for me.”
    She scrolls through the rest of the matches, noting how the low-tier guys are practically begging for attention.
    “These guys are all throwing out generic ‘Hey, what’s up?’ lines. They know they’re outclassed, but they’re trying anyway. Hilarious.”

Conclusion: The Experiment Continues

By the end of the morning, Helene and Isaac have both thoroughly analyzed their matches, roasted the Lorenzos, and marveled at the predictability of dating app dynamics. They’ve seen everything from morph fraud to racefraud and have picked apart the various strategies people use to try and lock down a high-status partner.

As Helene looks over at Isaac, she knows they’ll continue their experiment later—perhaps with even more roasts in the future. For now, though, they’ve got plenty of material to reflect on.

The morning is quiet as Helene and Isaac sit down for breakfast, reflecting on the previous day’s Hinge experiment and the couples they had creepshotted while driving through NYC. Helene, sipping her coffee, is already running through her thoughts aloud, while Isaac listens, both of them mentally preparing for another day of fieldwork—observing more couples in New York City.

Reflecting on the Experiment

Helene leans back in her chair, playing with her spoon as she thinks about the experiment. The sheer volume of matches and the stark contrasts between the Chadfish and Beckyfish profiles still fascinate her.

“You know, it’s crazy how predictable it all is. The Chadfish got exactly what we expected—loads of attention from HTNs and Stacys, but all superficial. None of those women really cared to put in effort. And the Beckyfish? All those low-tier normies clawing for a shot with her, no matter how basic she is. I thought maybe we’d see more variation, but nope—it’s all about looks and status.”

Isaac nods, finishing his toast and scrolling through his phone, still laughing at some of the Lorenzo roasts Helene unleashed last night.

“Yeah, and those Lorenzos? Total frauds. I still can’t believe how many of them thought they could pass for Mediterranean. The racefraud is so obvious, but I guess they’re banking on women not being as sharp as you are.”

“Of course they are. Most women don’t pay attention to skull shape or phenotypes like we do. They just see a name and assume it matches the face. But not me. I know better.”

She takes a bite of her breakfast, the wheels still turning in her mind.

The Couples They Saw Yesterday

After reflecting on the experiment, the conversation shifts to the couples they creepshotted the day before. Helene, always keen on observing dating dynamics, runs through the various types of couples they saw in NYC.

“And those couples we saw yesterday? Gen Z women are really going for these fat slobs and Pajeets now, aren’t they? I mean, it’s clear—these girls are settling for safe bets. They want guys they can control, not men who are their equals in looks.”

Isaac agrees, remembering how many mismatched couples they saw.

“Yeah, that’s what stood out to me too. A lot of HTN women with low-tier guys—and not just looksmatched, but really out of balance. It’s weird how the guys weren’t even trying to look presentable half the time. They knew they’d won the lottery.”

Helene smirks, thinking about the Pajeet-white girl couples.

“Exactly. The women are picking men who they know will never leave them, because they know those guys have nowhere to go. But it’s weird to see Stacy-tier women with these Pajeets—it’s like they’ve given up on finding a Chad and are settling for the safest option. No threat of cheating, no competition.”

Isaac, stirring his coffee, recalls one of the Chadlite couples they spotted.

“And then there was that Chadlite with an average girl. She was nowhere near his level, but I guess he was sticking with her because she’s low maintenance. No drama, no competition from other women. Makes sense if you think about it.”

“Right. That’s the dynamic now. Men who know they can do better, but opt out of competing. It’s the inverse for women—they’re opting out by dating down instead of reaching for the stars.”

The Plan for the Day: More Creepshots in NYC

As they finish up breakfast, the plan for the day comes into focus. Helene and Isaac are heading back into New York City to observe and creepshot more couples. The day is going to be filled with even more brutal analysis, and they’re both excited to see how the dynamics play out in a city full of high-status people.

“I want to see more of these dynamics play out in the wild. Yesterday was just a taste, and there are so many more interesting couples we’ll probably see today. I bet we’ll spot more Gen Z girls with Pajeets and fat guys, but I’m hoping for at least one Chad-Stacy couple to mix things up.”

Isaac laughs, already anticipating the creepshots.

“You’ll probably find something weird again—like a Chad with an absolute femcel or something. It’s NYC, after all. You get all kinds here.”

“Exactly. The dating market is just as competitive here, if not more. I’m going to keep an eye out for any interesting standouts, though. Maybe we’ll catch another Chadlite who’s clearly dating down.”

Tomorrow: Seeing Pablo and Tanya

After a full day of creepshots and observations, Helene and Isaac plan to meet up with Pablo and his girlfriend, Tanya, tomorrow. Helene is already preparing to mentally pick apart their relationship dynamic.

“Tomorrow’s going to be interesting too—seeing Pablo and Tanya. You know I’m going to analyze that relationship to death.”

Isaac chuckles, knowing Helene won’t hold back.

“Yeah, I know. Poor Pablo. He doesn’t even see how Tanya’s trying to fatten him up and control him.”

“I’ll call it out, subtly of course. But yeah, that’s a whole other dynamic we’ll dive into tomorrow. For now, let’s focus on today. I’ve got a feeling we’ll see a lot of morph frauds and weird couple dynamics in the wild. Can’t wait to creepshot them all.”

With that, they finish their breakfast, energized and ready to hit the streets of NYC once more. Helene’s phone is charged, ready to capture the dating dynamics of the city as they prepare for another round of analysis.

Helene and Isaac settled back into Canada after their trip, the slight chill of early autumn filtering through the window of Isaac’s apartment. The atmosphere was quiet, their shared humor still lingering as they reflected on their week in New York. The trip had been a strange mix of observation, amusement, and unfiltered commentary. Helene had, in her usual fashion, obsessively creepshotted over 366 couples for Isaac to analyze, each photo meticulously cataloged with notes on looks matching, race dynamics, and facial structures. A few photos of Chads, sprinkled in like trophies, were set aside for extra analysis.

In Isaac’s living room, Helene took a seat on the couch and pulled out her phone, flipping through the photo gallery, pausing every so often to critique. She handed the phone to Isaac with a smirk, “Look at this one—absolute mismatch. She’s like HTN at best, with this subpar MTN guy. He doesn’t even have symmetrical cheekbones.”

Isaac glanced at the photo, chuckling. “It’s unreal how often you see that. It’s almost like they’re purposefully defying all the lookism rules you’d think were obvious.”

Helene nodded, leaning back with satisfaction, and took her phone back, continuing to scroll. She pointed at another, zooming in on the woman’s face, “Look at her morphing. You can see it around the chin and forehead. It’s like they think nobody notices.”

She seemed amused yet vaguely annoyed at the photos. These couples defied the structured world of lookism she believed in. Even Isaac could tell she had little patience for how most people handled aesthetics, as if it betrayed her expectations of what relationships should be.

“So, the real question,” Isaac said, tilting his head, “are any of these couples remotely looksmatched, according to you?”

Helene tapped her chin, pretending to think hard. “One or two maybe, if I’m being generous. The rest are a mess. Look at this one,” she said, pointing to another photo, “he’s actually Chadlite, but with a low HTB. And not even the stylish kind, just... the basic one. It’s like he doesn’t realize he could do better.”

Isaac laughed, “You think he knows? Maybe he’s just lazy. Probably doesn’t care about half of what we’re analyzing here.”

She rolled her eyes, “Exactly the problem. Most people just don’t have the same critical eye.” She paused, giving him a sidelong glance. “And people say I’m the one who’s too picky.”

Isaac grinned, resting his hand on the back of the couch as he leaned forward. “What would they know? You’re just… thorough.”

A comfortable silence filled the room as they continued looking through the photos, Isaac genuinely invested and occasionally amused by Helene’s analytical commentary. She felt oddly at ease; with Isaac, her intensity didn’t need softening. He enjoyed her quirks, laughed at her blunt remarks, and matched her dry humor without hesitation.

After scrolling through the last of the photos, Helene tucked her phone away and looked at Isaac thoughtfully. “You know,” she started slowly, “this whole trip... I don’t think I could have done it with anyone else. Not in the same way.”

Isaac looked at her with a warmth that softened his usually sharp features. “Same here. I’d probably be too polite to roast half of those couples if it weren’t for you.”

Helene chuckled, a rare, genuine laugh. “Politeness never suited you anyway.”

She studied him for a moment, appreciating the way he seemed unfazed by her detached critiques, her unfiltered observations. If anything, he encouraged it, shared in it. It was in moments like these she realized how much she valued having a partner who understood her, who met her in her analysis rather than recoiling from it.

“Alright,” she said, nudging him. “Now, what are we going to do with these photos?”

Isaac smirked, “Frame them? Create a PowerPoint?”

She raised an eyebrow, humor sparking in her dark eyes. “Or... we could start a running file. Call it ‘Helene and Isaac’s Definitive Guide to Looksmatching.’ You know, for academic purposes.”

Isaac laughed, pulling her close, “I’ll help you title the chapters.”

They stayed like that, comfortably seated in each other’s company, the analytical edge fading as they both relaxed, sharing a quiet contentment in the knowledge that they’d found a partner who truly understood and matched their peculiar view of the world.

Back in Isaac’s place, Helene settled onto the floor, phone in hand, as she organized the photos she’d taken over their trip. On her phone, she’d created an elaborate series of folders for each category she’d documented, all meticulously labeled for easy reference. Isaac watched, bemused, as Helene verbally walked him through each folder, folder name, and photo count with an autistic level of precision.

Folder Structure:

  1. Folder: “Looksmatched_Couples”
    • Description: Contains photos of couples she assessed as having similar levels of attractiveness. These couples, though rare, were a point of curiosity for her, mostly to study what made them looksmatched and to confirm her own theories.
    • Photo Count: 23 photos.
    • Breakdown: Mostly Gen Z couples, some Millennials, with notable racial matches (like WMAF, WMWF).
    • Example Entry: “Couple_7: MTN male with HTN female, racially matched; she’s a low HTB, no visible morphing; he’s tall but gracile-featured.”
  2. Folder: “Mismatched_Trainwrecks”
    • Description: A treasure trove of couples she deemed “disastrously” mismatched, usually featuring one attractive partner paired with a considerably lower-tier partner.
    • Photo Count: 98 photos.
    • Breakdown: Predominantly HTN females with low MTN or LTN males, often involving one partner with unkempt or gracile features.
    • Example Entry: “Couple_32: LTN male with HTN female; major skull asymmetry on male; female has subtle morphing signs—likely cheek filler.”
  3. Folder: “Interracial_Dynamics”
    • Description: Her analysis of interracial couples, particularly those where one partner was aesthetically superior.
    • Photo Count: 64 photos.
    • Breakdown: Mostly featuring WMAF or WFAF, with a subset of WF-IR where the white female “mogged” the non-white partner.
    • Example Entry: “Couple_15: WFAF - Male is gracile Indid, LTN, showing signs of gymcel efforts. Female: HTB, tall, minor morphing on chin and nose.”
  4. Folder: “Chads_Spotted”
    • Description: A special folder just for Chads she’d seen and photographed, whether alone or with partners, categorized by specific facial archetypes.
    • Photo Count: 12 photos.
    • Breakdown: Divided into robust and gracile types, with notes on jawline, brow ridge prominence, and bone density.
    • Example Entry: “Chad_3: Robust Chad, Mediterranean features, 6’2” range, perfect 3:1 forehead-to-face ratio. Gym attire. Possible HGH maxxing.”
  5. Folder: “Gymcels_Spotted”
    • Description: Gym-goers she’d creepshot, categorized based on their attempts at “ascension” (self-improvement) and her assessment of their results.
    • Photo Count: 54 photos.
    • Breakdown: Mostly low MTN or LTN attempting to bulk, often with asymmetrical frames or gracile jaws.
    • Example Entry: “Gymcel_21: gracile Indid type; wears scrunchie leggings; slightly overdeveloped traps relative to shoulders; possible asymmetric clavicles.”
  6. Folder: “Fakeup_Maxxing”
    • Description: A collection of women she observed using “fakeup” techniques—heavy makeup, filter-like effects in real life, or exaggerated styling to enhance appearance.
    • Photo Count: 45 photos.
    • Breakdown: Mostly HTB and high MTB with visible signs of contour maxxing, overdrawn lips, or scrunchie leggings at the gym.
    • Example Entry: “Fakeup_14: High HTB female, likely Stacy-lite; scrunchie leggings with oversized hoodie; overdrawn lips; heavy bronzer along jawline.”
  7. Folder: “NYC_Pheno_Study”
    • Description: An overall folder of phenotypes she observed in NYC, mostly cataloging couples’ phenotypical features and any obvious morphing or filter use.
    • Photo Count: 70 photos.
    • Breakdown: Cross-section of Millennials and Gen Z, both couples and singles. Categorized by “Gracile,” “Robust,” and “Racial Phenotype.”
    • Example Entry: “Phenotype_22: Gracile AF male with high HTN WAF female; both are gym attendees. Male shows gracile mandible and recessed chin; female has fakeup but no visible morphing.”

As Helene Scrolled, She Commented:

Helene went folder by folder, occasionally pausing to critique specific features, highlighting the morphing and mismatching that especially caught her attention. She shook her head at the mismatched couples with visible disgust. “Look at Couple_21 in the mismatched folder,” she remarked to Isaac, tapping on the screen to zoom in. “She’s borderline HTN, but she’s with this LTN guy—gracile skull, no visible gym activity. It’s like she doesn’t even realize her own market value.”

Isaac leaned closer, trying to keep a straight face. “You’d think someone would’ve pointed that out to her by now,” he replied, half-jokingly.

Helene smirked, “Most people wouldn’t notice. They’re too caught up in ‘emotional compatibility’ or whatever.”

Then she opened up the Chads_Spotted folder and handed the phone to Isaac with a pointed look. “These guys,” she said. “Perfect jaw ratios, high density in brow ridges, no morphing—authentic.” She pointed at one of the photos, zooming in on the man’s side profile. “This one’s textbook. Gracile mandible with a robust nasal bridge, balanced forehead, and jaw-to-nose ratio. He’s probably aware of his value, but you never know with some of these guys.”

Isaac chuckled, passing the phone back. “And here I thought you were just appreciating the view.”

Helene shot him a look, amused but unfazed. “Appreciation is secondary to documentation.”

The folder of Gymcels_Spotted was next, and she couldn’t hold back her assessment. “These gymcels,” she muttered, scrolling through the photos, “are textbook cases of trying and failing at ascension. This guy,” she said, pulling up one photo, “has gracile clavicles and is wearing scrunchie leggings, thinking it’s going to give him a chance at HTN. But that recessed chin and gracile zygomatics? It’s just not happening.”

Isaac laughed, shaking his head. “The scrunchie leggings phenomenon,” he mused, “never fails to disappoint.”

Helene gave a dry laugh. “It’s the illusion of effort without addressing the real issues. Morphing, gymceling—it’s all cosmetic fixes, surface-level. It’s like trying to fix a gracile skull with a filter. You can’t morph IRL without going full ‘fakeup maxxing.’”

As they continued through each folder, Helene’s autistically precise breakdowns of each couple and “ascender” seemed to bring them closer in a strange way. Isaac could tell she was in her element, carefully analyzing each detail with an intensity that only she could pull off, and he was her only audience who truly appreciated it.

Once they finished going through the last folder, Helene turned to Isaac with an almost conspiratorial glint in her eye. “We’ve got the foundation for a proper analysis here. I say we keep documenting, build a full database.”

Isaac nodded, smirking. “A running log of all Canadian couples’ looksmatches and mismatches? It’ll be our magnum opus.”

They laughed, both aware of the absurdity yet oddly committed to the project. This was their shared world, a place where they could dissect looks and appearance without fear of judgment, secure in the knowledge that they had found a like-minded partner in each other.
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