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Serious My dad wants to sell me to the taliban

It's so over.

He literally told me I was useless

He said selling me to the taliban for slavery would be a better option instead of my lazy ass leeching off of him..

Should I contact the police????? Help a n***a out

@i_love_roosters @Whitepill
Dads usually see their kids as working slaves. If you can, focus on getting into the path of a highly paid carer
It's so over.

He literally told me I was useless

He said selling me to the taliban for slavery would be a better option instead of my lazy ass leeching off of him..

Should I contact the police????? Help a n***a out

@i_love_roosters @Whitepill
Calling police on ur dad for no reason is tera cucked

He won't sell u but if he tries to then 100 percent call police

I think he is just pissed and low inhib so he said that

Don't be sad dads are like that
It's so over.

He literally told me I was useless

He said selling me to the taliban for slavery would be a better option instead of my lazy ass leeching off of him..

Should I contact the police????? Help a n***a out

@i_love_roosters @Whitepill
Tell him about .org
He will probably love it
Than both of u will be rotting Problem solved jfl
It's so over.

He literally told me I was useless

He said selling me to the taliban for slavery would be a better option instead of my lazy ass leeching off of him..

Should I contact the police????? Help a n***a out

@i_love_roosters @Whitepill
contact my family we can help you get in touch with them
Here comes the sonne

Here comes the sonne
homelander pfp explains it all
It's so over.

He literally told me I was useless

He said selling me to the taliban for slavery would be a better option instead of my lazy ass leeching off of him..

Should I contact the police????? Help a n***a out

@i_love_roosters @Whitepill
nooooo do not let them sell you bhai
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