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My experiences with being extremely good looking as a child


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
All the girls in elementary school had crushes on me or tried bullying-flirting

People would tell me “he doesn’t look real/he looks fake” and “why is he so majestic?”

People would go up to me and ask “when are you going to model?” “You have all the features for modeling”

Girls fought over me while I was just standing saying nothing

When my mom showed 6-8 year old me her male friends they said “wow, is your child is so beautiful, is this a boy or girl?”

This happened when I was in 1st grade and I moved to my moms friends house, her moms friend, son, and daughter greeted our family when we arrived and changed their tone of voice when speaking to me in an adorning way, they speaked to my siblings who were unattractive than me and the same age as if they were adults

The SON later told me “you were cute when you first met us, but you aren’t cute now” after he got mad at me for doing something

Girls at the pool would look at me and say “he’s cute, you should go talk to him”

Girls would hug me, grab my arm, and lay their head on my shoulder without ever asking for my consent
Brutal, lol. Its over
How? I’m still getting this treatment
He probably meant it's over for him, not you. I used to get pretty privilege treatment like this too (admittedly not to this extent) at like 6-11 although I got fat and ugly and descended really hard. Do you show pics of yourself or no?
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  • #6
He probably meant it's over for him, not you. I used to get pretty privilege treatment like this too (admittedly not to this extent) at like 6-11 although I got fat and ugly and descended really hard. Do you show pics of yourself or no?
Oh ya ur right
Truuee. My lil bro won facial genetic lottery and looks like young Leo Dicaprio

Despite being 30 cm height, 30 iq and personality mogged by me, he effortlessly gets privileged treatment. Teachers try to help him and cope with his annoying personality, his female classmates used to stalk him and fight for him. He got told that he should be a model

He’ll age horribly tho. That’s not good, but it makes me feel better
All the girls in elementary school had crushes on me or tried bullying-flirting

People would tell me “he doesn’t look real/he looks fake” and “why is he so majestic?”

People would go up to me and ask “when are you going to model?” “You have all the features for modeling”

Girls fought over me while I was just standing saying nothing

When my mom showed 6-8 year old me her male friends they said “wow, is your child is so beautiful, is this a boy or girl?”

This happened when I was in 1st grade and I moved to my moms friends house, her moms friend, son, and daughter greeted our family when we arrived and changed their tone of voice when speaking to me in an adorning way, they speaked to my siblings who were unattractive than me and the same age as if they were adults

The SON later told me “you were cute when you first met us, but you aren’t cute now” after he got mad at me for doing something

Girls at the pool would look at me and say “he’s cute, you should go talk to him”

Girls would hug me, grab my arm, and lay their head on my shoulder without ever asking for my consent
Oh boy, you're like the @disillusioned of this forum.
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  • #11
Truuee. My lil bro won facial genetic lottery and looks like young Leo Dicaprio

Despite being 30 cm height, 30 iq and personality mogged by me, he effortlessly gets privileged treatment. Teachers try to help him and cope with his annoying personality, his female classmates used to stalk him and fight for him. He got told that he should be a model

He’ll age horribly tho. That’s not good, but it makes me feel better
How am i 30 iq ?
Show child pic and one of you now

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