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Theory my formula to convert PSL to decile


Ϫ Kaiser Ϫ
Established ★
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
we all know the decile scale , its the normie mainstream sclae out of 10 (D)
on the other hand the PSL scale is designed to go with the normal distribution , it is out of 8 (P)

so know you're thinking , we should just use basic math and convert it like this : D = (P/8)*10
but this is flawed , as you move past the peak of the normal distribution the ratings get brutally distorted then get better when we get near 7psl
example : 6 psl ( which is a chad ) , will be a 7.5 in the decile scale , and no way thats correct

so here my forumla :
D = (P/8)*10 + P/8

4psl (mtn) ====> 5.5 decile
5psl (low htn) =======> 6.87 decile
6psl (chad) =======> 8.25 decile
absolutely useless waste of time and mental masturbation, please quit this obsession with stupid psl ratings even .org seems to have moved passed that for the most part
the only numbers you need to worry about are like your bodycount which reflects how women respond to you in the dating marketplace

none of these stupid psl numbers mean anything, if you can consistently get laid with the women you find attractive then that is all that matters
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absolutely useless waste of time and mental masturbation, please quit this obsession with stupid psl ratings even .org seems to have moved passed that for the most part
the only numbers you need to worry about are like your bodycount which reflects how women respond to you in the dating marketplace

none of these stupid psl numbers mean anything, if you can consistently get laid with the women you find attractive then that is all that matters
why you mad dude
i did this out of fun
why you mad dude
i did this out of fun
im frustrated because posts like that are what bring down psl forums from being something great and instead get members obsessed with arbitrary numbers assigned to them by other autistic men
its the biggest pitfall and waste of time that happens on these boards if you want this forum to flourish you need to quit this rating obsession and move onto something more constructive

ill give you some examples like these for example
giving feedback on people dating app pictures and profile like what pictures to take, what editing software and all that
what to message to women after getting a match
swiping and algorithm hacks
what improvements to be made to ones social media image or their physical appearance
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  • #6
im frustrated because posts like that are what bring down psl forums from being something great and instead get members obsessed with arbitrary numbers assigned to them by other autistic men
its the biggest pitfall and waste of time that happens on these boards if you want this forum to flourish you need to quit this rating obsession and move onto something more constructive

ill give you some examples like these for example
giving feedback on people dating app pictures and profile like what pictures to take, what editing software and all that
what to message to women after getting a match
swiping and algorithm hacks
what improvements to be made to ones social media image or their physical appearance
dude as i said it was satire , do you not understand what satire is
anw thanks for the input
Chad isn’t really equivalent though to 8.25 and decile score for normal people is highly flexible
Ratings never reflect real life. My experience dating in real life is much better than what I'm rated. A rating is a very niche metric, but it's a good way to convert the different systems. It's good for seeing if you're photogenic, I guess, which is what social media is all about now.

There are things like your body odor and smell that can't be accounted for when meeting women. I've been told I smell sweet and good by women who have dated me. (I do not wear perfume.) That is apparently addictive. I don't know; there are just other things that influence your success with women that PSL will never be able to account for online.
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Ratings never reflect real life. My experience dating in real life is much better than what I'm rated. A rating is a very niche metric, but it's a good way to convert the different systems. It's good for seeing if you're photogenic, I guess, which is what social media is all about now.

There are things like your body odor and smell that can't be accounted for when meeting women. I've been told I smell sweet and good by women who have dated me. (I do not wear perfume.) That is apparently addictive. I don't know; there are just other things that influence your success with women that PSL will never be able to account for online.
its still an interesting concept though
we all know the decile scale , its the normie mainstream sclae out of 10 (D)
on the other hand the PSL scale is designed to go with the normal distribution , it is out of 8 (P)

so know you're thinking , we should just use basic math and convert it like this : D = (P/8)*10
but this is flawed , as you move past the peak of the normal distribution the ratings get brutally distorted then get better when we get near 7psl
example : 6 psl ( which is a chad ) , will be a 7.5 in the decile scale , and no way thats correct

so here my forumla :
D = (P/8)*10 + P/8

4psl (mtn) ====> 5.5 decile
5psl (low htn) =======> 6.87 decile
6psl (chad) =======> 8.25 decile

Also read everything

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