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Story My friend's dad wageslaved for 40 years of his life


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2024
Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. He is one of those lower caste curries his great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
Not a wasted youth. He wanted his family to succeed and got it. I would say not doing anything with your life is a wasted youth. My father did nothing. He’s not a bad guy but low iq I guess.
Most of my friend's family comes from a poor background. He is one of those lower caste curries his great-grandfather was the first in his extended family to receive a formal education. His father's upbringing was better. he had three meals a day, a roof over his head, and his family was able to afford to send him to uni without requiring him to do a day job on the side but they were still poor and lived in a cramped house of 3 rooms in a backward crime ridden neighborhood of the city but his dad was determined to make things better for the his children so he went on to wageslave for 40 long years before he finally retired last week.

His dad is a good example of what many here would call a wasted youth. He graduated with a degree in finance after a lot of difficulties and soon after got married and wageslaved in a 9 to 5.

He started off as financial analyst for a small company and worked his way up the corporate ladder to become the head of finance for an MNC company raking in 6 figures but in the process he sacrificed his precious years as a youngster.

His entire routine consisted of him going to his workplace, spending time with his family ,watching an old movie on the TV, sleep, then rinse and repeat until the weekend when he would catch up with a few of his close friends from college and get drunk to forget about all the stress and worries that came with having a corporate job.

He never bought anything for himself. He was always selfless and cared more for his family than himself.He didn't own a car or a phone until he was in his 30s but because his dad worked his ass off to provide for his family. They are now in large 4 bedroom house in an upscale neighborhood, my friend goes to one of thr best universities in the country, my friend's sister is soon going to become a doctor, Their entire family is financially secured and they moved up social classes because his dad's sacrifices and because he wasted his youth. What do yall think of this story? Would you call this a wasted youth?
brutal shit
Doesn't matter

That's like saying americans and british brahs are different when they're literally the same
sorry to break it to you me and pakis have nothing in common
maybe northies might have something in common but i don't
pakis themselves are diverse, pashtuns, punjabis, kailash, balochi ect
dont trynna group us together,
i speak an entirely different language form pakis
i am a dravidian
sorry to break it to you me and pakis have nothing in common
maybe northies might have something in common but i don't
pakis themselves are diverse, pashtuns, punjabis, kailash, balochi ect
dont trynna group us together,
i speak an entirely different language form pakis
i am a dravidian
you probably have no argeumnets agisnt these facts
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