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JFL My goals on this forum before I leave


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
@sigma and at @Dean, big ask but can yall pin/sticky this. Thanks. Yall mog the .org mods. Yall not gon do it are you

1. Help people and obtain the knowledgeable title.
2. Reach at least 4k posts (this won't happen, I can't be active for that long lmao)
3. Reach ascension in the next 3 years. If I can get this done, I'll quit both forums and say my final goodbyes if I haven't already.
4. Attempt the rot experiment. (More details on that later)
5. Leave and hopefully leave a good lasting mark on both forums if I haven't already.
1. Help people and obtain the knowledgeable title.
good one tbf
2. Reach at least 4k posts (this won't happen, I can't be active for that long lmao)
just make a megathread where u postmaxx lol
@n9wiff made one i think and hes like 6k post deep
3. Reach ascension in the next 3 years. If I can get this done, I'll quit both forums and say my final goodbyes if I haven't already.
4. Attempt the rot experiment. (More details on that later)
i would want to be tagged in this ngl
5. Leave and hopefully leave a good lasting mark on both forums if I haven't already.
dw bro
we all regardless wont forget u
@sigma and at @Dean, big ask but can yall pin/sticky this. Thanks. Yall mog the .org mods. Yall not gon do it are you

1. Help people and obtain the knowledgeable title.
2. Reach at least 4k posts (this won't happen, I can't be active for that long lmao)
3. Reach ascension in the next 3 years. If I can get this done, I'll quit both forums and say my final goodbyes if I haven't already.
4. Attempt the rot experiment. (More details on that later)
5. Leave and hopefully leave a good lasting mark on both forums if I haven't already.
Alright bet
@sigma and at @Dean, big ask but can yall pin/sticky this. Thanks. Yall mog the .org mods. Yall not gon do it are you

1. Help people and obtain the knowledgeable title.
2. Reach at least 4k posts (this won't happen, I can't be active for that long lmao)
3. Reach ascension in the next 3 years. If I can get this done, I'll quit both forums and say my final goodbyes if I haven't already.
4. Attempt the rot experiment. (More details on that later)
5. Leave and hopefully leave a good lasting mark on both forums if I haven't already.
4k is possible imo

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