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Story My guitar journey


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
I picked up the guitar in early December of last year during the peak of my depression, I had originally bought the guitar when I was like 11 but never used, it just sat in the corner of my room like a decoration, neglected. I had no phone and no friends and so I played the guitar religiously. I could practice for 8 hours straight. I woke up and I started playing immediately and would avoid sleep just to play. It quickly became my source of dopamine.

Problem is that you're supposed to take breaks between practice sessions to help build muscle memory but I didn't... I was practically fucking addicted. I wasn't really getting anywhere at first in terms of skill. Eventually my social life started to improve and along with that I found a balance, I was no longer as depressed and started
to play a bit less. I started to improve much quicker.

It's been about 8 months since I started. I'd say I've improved a great deal. Currently I'm working on a new song. "Unravel, arrangement by Eddie Van de Meer"
It's not perfect but I can't wait till I get it perfect so I can impress my friends with my awesome guitar skills:cool:
If you are interested I'm going to try attach my current progress of the song here hopefully this will work

good stuff
I picked up the guitar in early December of last year during the peak of my depression, I had originally bought the guitar when I was like 11 but never used, it just sat in the corner of my room like a decoration, neglected. I had no phone and no friends and so I played the guitar religiously. I could practice for 8 hours straight. I woke up and I started playing immediately and would avoid sleep just to play. It quickly became my source of dopamine.

Problem is that you're supposed to take breaks between practice sessions to help build muscle memory but I didn't... I was practically f*****g addicted. I wasn't really getting anywhere at first in terms of skill. Eventually my social life started to improve and along with that I found a balance, I was no longer as depressed and started
to play a bit less. I started to improve much quicker.

It's been about 8 months since I started. I'd say I've improved a great deal. Currently I'm working on a new song. "Unravel, arrangement by Eddie Van de Meer"
It's not perfect but I can't wait till I get it perfect so I can impress my friends with my awesome guitar skills:cool:
If you are interested I'm going to try attach my current progress of the song here hopefully this will work

thats awesome progress for just 8 months

do you take lessons or self-taught?

keen to see your skill in another year
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thats awesome progress for just 8 months

do you take lessons or self-taught?

keen to see your skill in another year
self taught. I'm excited to see where I'll be in the next year. I got an electric guitar on my birthday so I'll have that too
this is so true
i have an insane status as one of the best bassists in my country
one of the best bassists in your country and mod for

