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Story My looksmaxxing working?


Active member
Aug 9, 2024
So basically I been on .org and .com way less because school started and I am kind of trying to nt-maxx and studymaxx.

I went out Friday night and my oneitis said I look less lanky and like I put on muscle and I look taller😍. I love her so much I know she’s waiting for me to ascend so I can claim her as mine forever.

My friend also said my posture is looking better which is also good. The same friend said I’m looking more attractive now which is good and bad - because it means I’m at the bottom and I’m being supported like a special-ed kid, but I also have noticble difference to people.

His girlfriend also asked when am I gonna reveal my girlfriend… For some reason people I know think I’m like secretly a slayer and I actually get women jfl which couldn’t be further from the truth. But every time I get pressed about girls I’m talking to which is zero

So 4 compliments in one night is crazy for me. Perhaps my looksmaxxing is working
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I love her so much I know she’s waiting for me to ascend so I can claim her as mine forever.
No she don't. Move on buddy don't give her a chance, she just gives you compliments so you can stay around her

His girlfriend also asked when am I gonna reveal my girlfriend… For some reason people I know think I’m like secretly a slayer and I actually get women jfl which couldn’t be further from the truth. But every time I get pressed about girls I’m talking to which is zero
Use it at your advantage. You can tell everybody who's asking you seeing other girls outside of school (from shared hobbies etc). Make them jealous. Women see taken men as more attractive
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No she don't. Move on buddy don't give her a chance, she just gives you compliments so you can stay around her

Use it at your advantage. You can tell everybody who's asking you seeing other girls outside of school (from shared hobbies etc). Make them jealous. Women see taken men as more attractive
What if they ask to see pictures of them?

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