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JFL my mom CAUGHT me fucking HOOKERS in the HOUSE

Sep 22, 2024
Some background info:
-25 year old incel
-living at home still working just above min wage
-family was out for a trip

Knowing my family was going to be out Saturday night, I made plans to meet up with a hooker at the house. Mind you, this ain’t my first rodeo, not even at the house.
I texted her while I was at work and was looking forward to this shit all day.

So work ends and I invite the girl over. I get showered, pop a few cialis(heh), send the girl an uber and she’s on her way.

She is a pretty girl, 27, good collagen, light eyes, dark hair, and perhaps 5’9. We get down to business, and honestly I am just trying to enjoy my time with her. I spend a lot of time kissing her and stroking her, really just indulging in the experience. And yes, I do eat her cunt for like 15 minutes because she is pretty so it feels nice.
We fuck and I last all of 60 seconds and bust inside her raw.

After that she says she’s hungry and asks me to take her to taco bell, where I buy her a bean burrito and a frozen lemonade.
I didn’t have a car atm because my transportation is fucked up, so I was in my moms car.

We get home and go inside and just cuddle on the couch.

All of a sudden my phone is blowing up like crazy and I just silence it, assuming it is one of the other hookers I texted raging.

After a bit I check it, and it is my MOM who just saw me on the driveway cameras bringing in a prostitute in her car, and she is pissed, saying it is “some teenager shit” and asking if i fucked the hooker on her bed (i dont have my own bed, its complicated. i sleep in the floor of a closet.)
We didn’t fuck on her bed, just the couch.

Anyways it was already bad enough, but it was a prostitute, so I had to lie to my mother and tell her that it was a tinder slay(bless her bluepilled heart for believing I could get that shit) and she at least bought it.
I then tried to cry in her messages and say how hard it is as an ugly male and that this was my one shot so I went for it, but she said she has “no sympathy for low self esteem💀” so idk now

Brutal even your own mother hates you as incel


ill try to tell her that im least im not a pedophile or a f****t as a way of easing her rage

Anyways goddamn this is gonna be a nightmare interacting with her when she gets back
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
Prompt: Can u concisely summarize a forum post for me

The forum post describes a 25-year-old man, who identifies as an incel and still lives at home, recounting an awkward encounter after arranging to meet a sex worker at his house while his family is away. He details the experience, including intimate moments and even taking her to Taco Bell afterward. However, things take a turn when his mother sees footage from the driveway camera of him bringing the woman home. She becomes angry and confronts him, and he ultimately lies, saying she was a girl he met on Tinder. His mother's lack of sympathy for his struggles with self-esteem and relationships leaves him feeling even more isolated. He concludes the post expressing dread about facing his mother when she returns.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Prompt: Can u concisely summarize a forum post for me

The forum post describes a 25-year-old man, who identifies as an incel and still lives at home, recounting an awkward encounter after arranging to meet a sex worker at his house while his family is away. He details the experience, including intimate moments and even taking her to Taco Bell afterward. However, things take a turn when his mother sees footage from the driveway camera of him bringing the woman home. She becomes angry and confronts him, and he ultimately lies, saying she was a girl he met on Tinder. His mother's lack of sympathy for his struggles with self-esteem and relationships leaves him feeling even more isolated. He concludes the post expressing dread about facing his mother when she returns.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
Prompt: Can u concisely summarize a forum post for me

The forum post describes a 25-year-old man, who identifies as an incel and still lives at home, recounting an awkward encounter after arranging to meet a sex worker at his house while his family is away. He details the experience, including intimate moments and even taking her to Taco Bell afterward. However, things take a turn when his mother sees footage from the driveway camera of him bringing the woman home. She becomes angry and confronts him, and he ultimately lies, saying she was a girl he met on Tinder. His mother's lack of sympathy for his struggles with self-esteem and relationships leaves him feeling even more isolated. He concludes the post expressing dread about facing his mother when she returns.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Prompt: Can u concisely summarize a forum post for me

The forum post describes a 25-year-old man, who identifies as an incel and still lives at home, recounting an awkward encounter after arranging to meet a sex worker at his house while his family is away. He details the experience, including intimate moments and even taking her to Taco Bell afterward. However, things take a turn when his mother sees footage from the driveway camera of him bringing the woman home. She becomes angry and confronts him, and he ultimately lies, saying she was a girl he met on Tinder. His mother's lack of sympathy for his struggles with self-esteem and relationships leaves him feeling even more isolated. He concludes the post expressing dread about facing his mother when she returns.
so annoyed that i was called a 25 yr old man
im a 25 year old BOY ffs
Fuck I hate you stop making story threads nobody gives a shit when you are retarded
Sure you can post but you can get ignored too
I understand that you're in a difficult situation, and it's important to approach this with sensitivity and honesty.
Here are some suggestions:
  1. Be honest and direct: While it may be uncomfortable, honesty is often the best policy. Explain to your mother the truth about the situation, including why you felt the need to resort to a sex worker. Be prepared for her to react strongly, but try to maintain a calm and respectful demeanor.
  2. Apologize sincerely: Express your regret for lying to her. Let her know that you understand the gravity of your actions and that you're truly sorry for hurting her.
  3. Seek help: If you're struggling with loneliness or low self-esteem, consider seeking professional help. A therapist can provide you with coping mechanisms and strategies to address these underlying issues.
  4. Be patient: It may take time for your mother to forgive you, especially if she's feeling hurt or betrayed. Be patient and understanding, and try to rebuild your relationship over time.
Remember, everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and strive to do better in the future.

bhai next time dont get caught and do it very rarely
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #27
I understand that you're in a difficult situation, and it's important to approach this with sensitivity and honesty.
Here are some suggestions:
  1. Be honest and direct: While it may be uncomfortable, honesty is often the best policy. Explain to your mother the truth about the situation, including why you felt the need to resort to a sex worker. Be prepared for her to react strongly, but try to maintain a calm and respectful demeanor.
  2. Apologize sincerely: Express your regret for lying to her. Let her know that you understand the gravity of your actions and that you're truly sorry for hurting her.
  3. Seek help: If you're struggling with loneliness or low self-esteem, consider seeking professional help. A therapist can provide you with coping mechanisms and strategies to address these underlying issues.
  4. Be patient: It may take time for your mother to forgive you, especially if she's feeling hurt or betrayed. Be patient and understanding, and try to rebuild your relationship over time.
Remember, everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and strive to do better in the future.

bhai next time dont get caught and do it very rarely
Dude I do it rarely. I have done it 50+ times over the years but I usually go to their place or a hotel. I was broke and just thought nobody would be actively monitoring the cameras at 12 in the morning
Dude I do it rarely. I have done it 50+ times over the years but I usually go to their place or a hotel. I was broke and just thought nobody would be actively monitoring the cameras at 12 in the morning
ah its probably one of those camera things where you get a notification during movement
Was prayin that it was a reddit story then i started seeing the brain rot shit... over

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