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JFL My mom found my selfie stash the other day.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
I was in the passenger seat and opened my gallery

But my gallery is like filled with nudes of myself and selfies, it was very awkward...
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  • #4
Did she acknowledge them or compliment you?
She asked me what were they for and stuff, kept pressuring me at the restaurant.

I just kept saying it was for my own amusement.

Probably neither. Acknowledging the behavior of most moms, she probably freaked out lol. But sorry that happened. I remembered when my dad found my nudes and he got so mad at me.
Brutal, sorry that happened
Probably neither. Acknowledging the behavior of most moms, she probably freaked out lol. But sorry that happened. I remembered when my dad found my nudes and he got so mad at me.
I was in the passenger seat and opened my gallery

But my gallery is like filled with nudes of myself and selfies, it was very awkward...
She asked me what were they for and stuff, kept pressuring me at the restaurant.

I just kept saying it was for my own amusement.

Brutal, sorry that happened
Okay, first of all, your mom is literally just invading your privacy and making you uncomfortable by pressuring you. I would say talk to her about ow you didn't like that and that it was simply for yourself, but then it would just be bringing the situation up again lol. If you like to, you can simply just ignore that it happened. Glad she didn't go all crazy on you though.

Also, thanks<3 It's fine now but I have parental controls on my shit and I'm literally 16, it's embarrassing lol.
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  • #7
Also, thanks<3 It's fine now but I have parental controls on my shit and I'm literally 16, it's embarrassing lol.
Sucks to hear that, can they find your posting history here?

Also are you a NEET?
I was in the passenger seat and opened my gallery

But my gallery is like filled with nudes of myself and selfies, it was very awkward...
Did she acknowledge them or compliment you?
This isn't a fucking porno (If my son had a big dick I'd just smirk and be like "we all know where that came from")
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