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Info My mood has been so much better after exercsing regularly.

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  • #5
tbh ive just started gymcelling after a couple months and its fun tbh
its just that it can be gigafatuging
but its worth it seeing/feeling ur pumps

i used to exercise more frequently, short term fatigued, long term a general sense of contentment
You have been looksmaxxing over the years.... WDYM U JUST START WORKING OUT REGULARLY!!!!
Working out isn’t looksmaxxing unless your losing weight from it
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Every reply in this thread is fake all Jewish propaganda you only enjoy the ENDORPHINS
yeah, cuz poor attention span and wasting your time rotting your brain for hours every day is obviously better than doing exercise

It’s better than doing that as long as you don’t gain weight. Both will make you feel like shit though I’m not saying either is good
I have tried many types of exercise, martial arts, running, gymcelling, all it does is make me tired and unhappy. Depends from person to person like everything ever
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  • #18
When I do it it makes me suicidal and day after is worse, that’s why I stopped ngl
Damn, complete opposite for me

My body feels faster and "fresh" and stronger too
u gotta stay lean n shi
Just fix your diet, exercise is cope for people who eat sugary garbage (fair enough, not for me though) so they can eat whatever and then “burn off the calories”. I’ve fallen into that trap and all it brought me was feeling like shit every day
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