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My name is Aiden and this is me from 14-16


New member
Sep 10, 2024
Around this time i started trying to take care of myself, not just physically but also mentally. I thought i was cooked for life and would never be with a woman. I am now with a girl who has been my crush since 13 y/o, and we have been together for 8 months. I see this as huge personal progress and i hope it’s motivating to anyone on here who was like me. don’t give up yk


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you don’t always need surgeries and crazy routines, for me it was just losing fat and getting braces
What was the biggest thing you noticed after you looksmaxxed did people treat better like a night and day difference?
I’d honestly say that me starting “ugly” made me a better person. in middle school i resorted to being nice/funny, so i was never treated terribly. i will say girls treat me better however, as my current gf who was only friends with me in middle school was too scared to ttm at a football game sophomore year bc she thought i was out of her league. i don’t think it’s had a huge impact on how other people think, but i do know it’s helped my mental health insanely well considering i used to have suicidal thoughts on how i looked. SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REPLY
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What was the biggest thing you noticed after you looksmaxxed did people treat better like a night and day difference?
in middle school i resorted to being nice/funny, so i was never treated terribly. i will say girls treat me better now however, as my current gf who was only friends with me in middle school was too scared to ttm at a football game sophomore year bc she thought i was out of her league. i don’t think it’s had a huge impact on how other people think, but i do know it’s helped my mental health insanely well considering i used to have suicidal thoughts on how i looked. SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REPLY

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