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My new "look"

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  • #3
I like that look. You've improved quite a bit.
Thanks boyo, its all new stuff from temu, even the jacket, its a bit small but once I lose the remainder of the intial 90 lbs it should fit quite well, jacket and pants will be a large when I'm done and my shirts will be medium, right now everything is a size large and the jacket is a bit snug.

I literally bought a new full wardrobe as well as a new wardrobe for when I'm done my weight loss transformation, even have 2 jean jackets because they offered me a second for 10.00, I have a ton of shirt pins I plan on putting in one of the jackets and just wearing it to special occasions like playing magic at my LGS.
Thanks boyo, its all new stuff from temu, even the jacket, its a bit small but once I lose the remainder of the intial 90 lbs it should fit quite well, jacket and pants will be a large when I'm done and my shirts will be medium, right now everything is a size large and the jacket is a bit snug.

I literally bought a new full wardrobe as well as a new wardrobe for when I'm done my weight loss transformation, even have 2 jean jackets because they offered me a second for 10.00, I have a ton of shirt pins I plan on putting in one of the jackets and just wearing it to special occasions like playing magic at my LGS.
Nice man. Motivation to continue your weight loss. All the best.