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Hypothesis My theory is YAOIMAXXING


meowmaxxer and yaoimaxxer
Dec 28, 2024
Guys im not even joking, ever since I started reading Yaoi (male x male manga and BL) I started feeling more confident. You see: all the men in these mangas are CHADS. Most of them have a super good jawline, positive canthal tilt, perfect bodies and hair and literally are moggers. NOW STAY WITH ME: by reading so many yaoi mangas and seeing the images of these young adults/teens, my brain started pushing for me to look more like them. I genuinly believe most of these anime men mog ur favs and u should def start Yaoimaxxing. PS: don't read girl x girl stories tho, those are for gooners.
Screenshot 2024-12-29 alle 01.02.30.png
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Guys im not even joking, ever since I started reading Yaoi (male x male manga and BL) I started feeling more confident. You see: all the men in these mangas are CHADS. Most of them have a super good jawline, positive canthal tilt, perfect bodies and hair and literally are moggers. NOW STAY WITH ME: by reading so many yaoi mangas and seeing the images of these young adults/teens, my brain started pushing for me to look more like them. I genuinly believe most of these anime men mog ur favs and u should def start Yaoimaxxing. PS: don't read girl x girl stories tho, those are for gooners.
View attachment 59094
@Whitepill can you revoke this guy’s speaking privileges? Thank you kindly.
alr, this post was a joke even if it's not tagged as one, how do i change that bc i don't want to get banned
no ones gonna ban u
people post crazier shit
Guys im not even joking, ever since I started reading Yaoi (male x male manga and BL) I started feeling more confident. You see: all the men in these mangas are CHADS. Most of them have a super good jawline, positive canthal tilt, perfect bodies and hair and literally are moggers. NOW STAY WITH ME: by reading so many yaoi mangas and seeing the images of these young adults/teens, my brain started pushing for me to look more like them. I genuinly believe most of these anime men mog ur favs and u should def start Yaoimaxxing. PS: don't read girl x girl stories tho, those are for gooners.
View attachment 59094
I'm going to bleach my eyes after seeing this shi