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Natural diet disproved

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  • #9
Not really, all the stress will haunt you later in life
What about the hormones don't athletes have the most testosterone
One half coping with muhh primal, other half going muhhh stay small he did so I can too!

Don't you guys know how to be independent and do you your own research 😆

Carbon copies of each other 😆
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  • #29
One half coping with muhh primal, other half going muhhh stay small he did so I can too!

Don't you guys know how to be independent and do you your own research 😆

Carbon copies of each other 😆
Suck my mog
One half coping with muhh primal, other half going muhhh stay small he did so I can too!

Don't you guys know how to be independent and do you your own research 😆

Carbon copies of each other 😆
I didn’t even watch the video, how is it supposed to disprove anything
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  • #34
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One half coping with muhh primal, other half going muhhh stay small he did so I can too!

Don't you guys know how to be independent and do you your own research 😆

Carbon copies of each other 😆
It’s true in a sense, you can’t disprove a “natural diet”, However telling people to consume actual dogshit for the sake of athletic performance (understandable I guess??) is retarded
Natural whole food will be always better for body composition. You always need micronutrients, fibers and collagen to stay healthy

but at the same time, supplements and drugs will be useful for health as well.

And macdonalds can makes you lose fat if you eat it in less calories than your body needs, if it fit your macros (iifym)
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