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Discussion Natural Selection & Sexual Selection? How do we compete against each other?


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2024
USARussia, Albania Jupiter, Moon, Sweden Artic idk
(Summarising some research I've looked at). This is both a combination of information as well as a question I have

Natural selection is purely the survival perspective things of things famously studied by Charles Darwin
Its how well an animal can adapt to their given environment to survive. It can include how well an animal can fight, hunt, run. How well they can camouflage in the background, how they can adapt to new diets, how well they can swim etc.

Examples of this can include but are not limited to giraffes and their necks, peppered moths (light and dark ones in england), galapagos tortoises etc

Sexual Selection is the attraction towards the opposite gender.
Within sexual selection it is divided into Intersexual and Intrasexual selection

Intrasexual selection
is the competition inside a gender, such as male deer using their antlers to fight with each other to see who's stronger, or seals
Intersexual selection is selecting a partner to reproduce with (most cases the female animal choosing the male animal) and this could be based on things such as certain patterns, sizes of animals, certain features etc

And then within the Intersexual Selection there are two theories for how a partner is chosen. The sexy sons theory and the good genes theory
The sexy sons theory is
that the partner will be chosen based on traits which most likely will make the offspring appear most sexy ( so they can have an easy chance with getting a partner so they can reproduce and so on) such as more colours on a bird, the size of the feathers on a peacock
The Good Genes theory is that the partner will be chosen based upon traits which are deemed to help with survival which the offspring will get such as height, strength, size of body etc

However, a balance should be present in an animal so that they can both survive and be attractive. For example with the peacock, the bigger and brighter the feathers the more attractive he will be with the females, but at the same time the more likely he is to be spotted and hunted by predators up in the food chain (such as the example below where the rope represents the peacock being in between both 50/50 for benefit and cost where the female wants to mate but the feathers are not TOO big that the predator will find it so easy to eat the peacock

This it the same for humans.

We want good looking partners, and good looking children who are healthy and will be attractive and strong and thats perfectly normal.

For the Intersexual selection, that would be things like height, skin, eye colours, frame etc etc etc and with modern technology thats accelerated that up with dating apps and social media where you can see more attractive people in an hour then some king has seen long before, blah blah blah I'm not the first one to say this ik ha ha

But with regards to the Intrasexual Selection how would that work today since we don't (most people in the west) live in the wild. I mean sure you have violence and crime like roberies etc, but thats not something most people experience most of the time. What would that look like today (as in same genders competing against each other)? My first question is wouldn't that be something like social circle, fame and money because thats how people "compete" with each other and "survive"? Hope this makes sense

And my second question is to do with the Sexy sons theory and good genes theory. Is this why for a male a mix of both "masculine" with some "feminine" features is wanted?

Feel free to add any more info or thoughts on this or anything related to this
It’s all adaptions and environments, most things
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only males above 60th percentile and above are able to reproduce
Give summary what do u mean
Smart and good looking people ( these traits are often correlated) are more likely to be depressed or scared to reproduce in modern times because they follow the manmade systems and laws
Dumb low iq ugly subhumans are much more likely to reproduce with ugly subhumans simply because they follow their natural urges
That’s why there’s no perfect society with a bunch of moggers or whatever
Smart and good looking people ( these traits are often correlated) are more likely to be depressed or scared to reproduce in modern times because they follow the manmade systems and laws
Dumb low iq ugly subhumans are much more likely to reproduce with ugly subhumans simply because they follow their natural urges
That’s why there’s no perfect society with a bunch of moggers or whatever

still 40 percent of unlucky won't be able to reproduce
still 40 percent of unlucky won't be able to reproduce
It’s all dependent on inhib and extroversion
I’m not saying all good looking and people and all high iq people won’t reproduce
It’s about their inhib and extroversion and whether they listen to their urges or are castrated and cucked by the government and manmade systems
It’s all dependent on inhib and extroversion
I’m not saying all good looking and people and all high iq people won’t reproduce
It’s about their inhib and extroversion and whether they listen to their urges or are castrated and cucked by the government and manmade systems
what do you genuinely think would i find the girl of my dreams bro (the qualities which i have described many times)?
what do you genuinely think would i find the girl of my dreams bro (the qualities which i have described many times)?
This is something to be talked about on discord
what do you genuinely think would i find the girl of my dreams bro (the qualities which i have described many times)?
There is no such thing as a person of your dreams, man
It’s about finding the person that trusts and commits, and you make them your dream
It’s about finding the imperfect person perfect for you
So no, I don’t think you can find the girl of your dreams, this is usually very dependent on looks and even then that doesn’t always work, prob HTN+.
I think you can find a person though, and ideally a good person if you are willing to look around
From my impressions of you, you seem like you act low trust and unapproachable IRL which isn’t good for appeal, even if you may be physically attractive to girls
I think it’s definitely possible, and I remember you in June describing some girls expressing interest in you
And my second question is to do with the Sexy sons theory and good genes theory. Is this why for a male a mix of both "masculine" with some "feminine" features is wanted?
It makes a lot of sense why guys like VINNIE hacker or Thimotee Chalamet would be attractive since they could be sexy women.
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